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The different colors and emblems on the hats indicate the Degree or "rank" of a member, Black being the lowest and white the highest. There are also purple and blue hats that denote officers within the Scottish Rite itself. This is a very simplistic answer, if you want to learn more join up.... All you have to do is ask a Member.

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12y ago

Masonic hats worn by the Master of the Lodge signify his authority of his rank and status, he does not have to wear the hat. It is his decision. I have never heard of this being a Baseball cap, but I guess it could be. Normally it is something like a stetson fedora.

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What hats do they wear at the north pole?

Stocking caps, baseball caps, almost any hat will do.

Do girls look good in baseball caps I am a girl and I wear them what do you think?

Do whatever you want.

Why don't other girls wear baseball caps I wear them is it because it's not considered feminine?

It mostly has to do with what type of person you are. Some don't like hats, or just baseball caps. With many girls they are concerned about what others will think of them if they were hats.

Why do masons wear Stacy Adams shoes?

Because Ferragamo refused to makes shoes for the masons.

Do Jehovah witnesses wear head scarves?

Jehovah's Witnesses have no objection to head scarves, or hats, or baseball caps. We can even wear wigs.

How many ways can you wear 2 basball caps out of 5?

There are five baseball caps. You can use numbers to represent these baseball caps. 1 2 3 4 5 If you need two of these baseball caps, you just need to put two of the 5 numbers together until you find how many combinations there are. 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 3 2 4 2 5 3 4 3 5 4 5 There are 10 ways to wear 2 baseball caps out of 5.

Do guys find cute girls who wear baseball caps a turn off or a turn on?

turn off

What are the caps that the Amish women wear called?

The caps that Amish women wear are commonly called "prayer caps" or "head coverings." These caps are typically white and are worn as a symbol of modesty and humility.

Can Sikhs wear baseball caps and not turbans?

The reason for wearing turbans is to keep their hair clean and they are not supposed to cut it at any time in their life. So it doesn't matter if they wear baseball caps but it would be very difficult to keep their very long stresses from flowing and getting in the way of good cricket!

Why girls wear caps to school?

Girls wear caps to school for the same reasons boys do. They could just like to wear caps, they might be on a sports team, or any variety of reasons, but mainly they wear them because they want to.

What types of caps do truck drivers wear?

The types of caps that truck drivers wear slightly resembles a baseball cap. The section above the cap's bill is made of foam, whereas the back half of the hat is made of plastic mesh for breathability.

How many Major League Baseball teams do new era caps have a contract with?

New Era's contract is with MLB, not individual teams, So, all teams wear New Era's caps.