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The relationship may be going nowhere but the sex still feels good.

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Q: Why do men and woman continue to be involved with someone who made it clear that the relationship it going no where?
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When someone says that it has nothing to do with them it is clear by that sentence that they do not want to get involved. Example: If a person went to someone and complained about an argument they had with their mate or with a friend that person you are complaining too may not want to listen or get involved so they will say 'it has nothing to do with me.' This is a signal they do not want to hear about it.

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Because he is emotionally immature and/or has emotional problems. Best stay clear of him.

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To clear the minds of all parties involved in this relationship,you need to confront her and tell the truth that will set you free.

He an ex but he in a relationship with someone else but has sex with me?

You're providing him with sex and attention and knowingly helping him cheat on someone else, so where is the motivation for him to actually date you? He's getting the best of both worlds---a new girlfriend and an ex who is giving him no strings attached sex. Do you want to be the other woman, or do you want to be the only woman in someone's life? If you want a relationship, stop giving your ex sex and attention and look further afield. Make it clear to your ex that you want a relationship, and if he doesn't agree or hedges, you know he's just hoping to continue getting booty calls from you.

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It is involved in Refraction.

How do you know if someone's relationship is about to end?

honestly, it's all on the relationship. If there is arguing going on or you can tell that they're being distant for some reason, it's a clear sign that something is wrong and should either be talked about or that person your in a relationship with needs to get over there fit.

What are you suppose to do when you are inlove with your best male friend who is in a long relationship with another girl?

You have respect for their relationship and for yourself and until the opportunity is clear for you to let him know that you luv him, stear clear. He has the right to be happy and if that is not with you,for now you must make your own happiness. I know its easier said then done when you have your heart set on someone but you have to be patient.

Is he lying to you when he tells you he doesn't love you anymore just to get over you faster?

Speculating whether or not there's an ulterior motive to "I don't love you" does not detract from the fact that there is a clear message here: it's OVER. Take the man at his word and move on to form a relationship with someone who DOES value you and someone who DOES want a relationship with you.

You fell in love What do you do?

Please resubmit your question more specific as it is not quite clear if you are referring to being in a relationship, if you fell for someone you know or don't know etc. Thank you.

What do you say to tell a guy you want to be exclusive?

You say it just like that. "I am only interested in a relationship that is exclusive, meaning just you and just me", make it clear that the only way the relationship will work between the two of you is if it is ONLY the two of you!!! If this is not his intentions you may have to find someone who wants the same thing in a relationship.