

Why do men die faster than women?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Actually it's statistically proven that women live longer than men! Look around and you will notice men do a lot of heavy jobs which wear the body out more quickly. This also due to a deeper factor involving the blood. You see, women tend to have an iron deficiency because of menstrulation. The iron in our blood equals age for our cells, and because men have more iron, their cells age faster. Also, women tend to vent their frustration better then men because men are often taught to internalize their emotions, which leads to stress. So yeah. Now you know.

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13y ago

Men generally have both a higher muscle mass and an increased ability to gain muscle than women, meaning over time the increased amount of muscle mass causes an increased rate of respiration (making energy in muscles.) This increases the need and use of energy, decreasing overall lifespan.

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