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You may be talking about someone who did this to you. Not all men are like that. Dont let a few rotten apples ruin it for the whole tree. But than again at the end of the day, a man will got as far as the woman will let him.

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Q: Why do men string women on for sex then ignore them after?
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sex is not classified as women and men sex. it is mutual relation between man and women. sex is not classified as women and men sex. it is mutual relation between man and women.

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SEX, is how men and women got along I <3 SEX!!!!!!!!

Why do men string women along?

The phrase "string someone along" can mean different thing but in this sentence it means to me telling the woman things that will make her think he has a sincere interest when in fact all he's interested in is sex. Men will string women along to have available sex and dump them when they find someone they want a real relationship with. If he's a total cad he will continue to have sex with her even after he has begun a committed (using the term loosely) relationship with someone else.

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Like with men, it depends on the women. It also depends on the age. Most women love and want sex as much as men do.

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Women is just as much sex curious as men but it differ from person to person just as by men.

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It isn't clear what you mean, i.e., percentage of what? If you want to compare men and women, it can safely be assumed that on average, men and women have sex with the same frequency - for the simple reason that there are roughly the same number of men and women on the world. At least, this applies if you only consider heterosexual sex.

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