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More people can see a total lunar eclipse than a total solar eclipse because to see the complete solar eclipse you must be in a locations directly underneath it so your point of view and angle of the moon is correct. It doesn't matter as much as to where you are for a lunar eclipse...

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Q: Why do more people see a total lunar eclipse then a tootle solar eclipse?
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Related questions

Are more people able to see lunar eclipse or solar eclipse?


Why do people see a total lunar eclipse more than a solar eclipse?

A total lunar eclipse can be seen anywhere on Earth where the moon is you are more likely to see a lunar eclipse than a solar eclipse.

How many years apart are the lunar and the solar eclipse?

4.1 Solar eclipse; 4.2 Lunar eclipse

Is a lunar or solar eclipse more common?

lunar eclipse.

Did Hipparchus predict a lunar eclipse or a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse.

Why is there a solar eclipse and lunar eclipse?

There is a solar eclipse when the moon blocks the sun from the Earth. A lunar eclipse is when the earth block the sun from the moon.

Are you more likely to see a solar eclipse or a lunar eclipse?


What are the advantages of lunar eclipse?

what are advantages and disadvantage of solar an lunar eclipse

Is eclipse different from solar eclipse?

eclipse is of two kinds- solar eclipse and lunar eclipse

When do the solar and the lunar eclipse occurs in 2013?

Eclipses of 2013: --------------------- April 25 - partial lunar eclipse May 10 - annular solar eclipse May 25 - penumbral lunar eclipse October 18 - penumbral lunar eclipse November 3 - hybrid solar eclipse

What lasts longer a solar or lunar eclipse?

The lunar eclipse lasts longer than a solar one

What is opposed to a solar eclipse?

Lunar eclipse.