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14y ago

well maybe becausethey want more of your blood.

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Q: Why do mosquitoes continue to bite you after they have already had their fill of your blood?
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Do mosquitoes suck the blood out of you when they bite you?

yes,they do but don't be alert u can feed 10000 mosquitoes with just your blood

Why do mosquitoes bite human?

for repreoduction they want blood

Malaria and mosquitoes relationship?

Mosquitoes bite people with Malaria and then bite a person without Malaria and introduce it into the new person's blood when they inject their anticoagulant to keep the blood liquid while feeding. Mosquitoes are a "vector" for Malaria.

Do the male or female mosquitoes bite or is it both?

The female bites, she needs a 'blood meal' before she lays eggs. It is only the female mosquitoes that bite.

Do mosquito's bite or sting?

They bite.

Which insects bite and draw blood?

Mosquitoes, gnats, ticks, fleas.

Why do mosquitoes bite tattoo?

mosquitoes can bite anywhere

Why must mosquitoes bite, they just arbitrate you?

they require blood to produce egg

Why mosquitoes bite a dark room also?

The question does not make sense. Mosquitoes do not bite rooms - neither dark rooms nor light rooms. Mosquitoes bite animals and suck their blood. Please figure out what you're trying to say and ask the question again.

Do big mosquitoes bite?

Only female mosquitoes bite, so size doesn't matter. However, there are different types of insects that look like large mosquitoes that don't bite.

Do male mosquito bite?

No,male mosquitoes don't bite,only female mosquitoes do.Female mosquitoes bite so that she can lay her eggs.After a blood meal,a female mosquitoe can lay tons of eggs and they all hatch after 24 hours.

Do mosquitoes just bite and fly off?

Mosquitos (females only) bite to get a drink of blood, which they consume as food. Then they fly off.