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The reason Christians celebrate Sunday is that Jesus rose from the grave on Sunday. We thus commemorate his resurrection and the new creation which will be starting with the Lord's return.


They do this solely on the command of the Catholic religion... not upon any Scripture or commandment in The Bible to do so. There is no biblical commandment that abrogates "the LORD's seventh day Sabbath" [which remembers CREATION... not Christ's resurrection].

The Bible commands God's servants to "remember[memorialize] Christ's DEATH" -- not His resurrection!

"...'This is My Body, given for you. DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME.'" (Luke 22:19 NLT)

Jesus... the "Christian's Living Example" [I Peter 2:21 NLT New Living Translation]... who reveals that HE IS THE VERY LORD WHO MADE the Sabbath day Holy[see Mark 2:28], kept it Himself when He walked the earth in the flesh:

"When He came to the village of Nazareth, HIS BOYHOOD HOME, He went AS USUAL to the synagogue [it was Jesus' usual custom {KJV} to 'go to church on the LORD's Sabbath']..." (Luke 4:16 NLT).

Most of the observances that the hundreds of denominations of modern professing Christianity do, IS NOT COMMANDED IN THE BIBLE... but are the commandments of men... and traceable to ancient pagan religious practices. These are the "many" about whom Jesus gives His VERY FIRST WARNING to His servants:

"Jesus told them [His disciples], 'Don't let anyone mislead you. For many will come in My Name, saying, ''I am the Messiah." [or they will come professing {in agreement} that Jesus is the Messiah] THEY WILL LEAD MANY ASTRAY.'" (Matt.24:4-5 NLT)

Modern professing Christianity doesn't follow the teachings of the Bible... or God's recorded and commanded Holy Day "Feasts of the LORD" [not the feasts of the Jews] [see Lev.23:2 & 44]. They follow the commandments of men:

"'These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far away. Their worship is a farce, for THEY REPLACE GOD's COMMANDMENTS WITH THEIR OWN MAN-MADE TEACHINGS. For you ignore God's specific Laws and substitute your own traditions.' ...'You reject God's Laws in order to HOLD ONTO YOUR OWN TRADITIONS...'" (Mark 7:7-9 NLT).

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Q: Why do most Christians celebrate Sunday if Jesus created the Sabbath rest and is Lord of the Sabbath?
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