

Why do most element have a characteristics valence?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Valency depends upon no of electrons in outer most shell the atoms have a specific no of electrons in valence shell so they have characteristic valence .(but transition metal violate this rule).

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Q: Why do most element have a characteristics valence?
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The periodic table can be used to quickly determine characteristics (number of valence electrons for example) of an element.

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The number of valence shell electrons will generally determine the bonding characteristics of the element in question.

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Yes. Every element in a group has the same number of valence electrons.

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The valence electrons of the element are very shielded. The valence electrons are far from the nucleus.

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The valence electrons are the outer most electrons and the principal energy level in which they belong will vary for element to element and generally corresponds to the period number in which the element is present

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Helium, it is the most inert gas (element ) of all.

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The valence electrons are the outer most electrons and the principal energy level in which they belong will vary for element to element and generally corresponds to the period number in which the element is present

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It indicates how many electrons are required to complete a full valence shell.

What info can you learn about an element from the periodic table?

You can find out the symbol, name, mass, state, protons, neutrons, electrons, electronegativity, valence electrons, charge, and many other characteristics of the element considering the characteristics of other elements in the same group or period.

Is the element reactive or satble how do you know?

If the element has a full valence shell, such as the noble gases, then it is unreactive. It the element is missing few valence electrons of has few valence electrons, then the element is very reactive, such as the sodium.