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Generally, religious reasons. That simple.

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Q: Why do most people accept evolution in linguistics but not in biology?
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Why do some people not accept evolution?

Some people believe that evolution goes against their religion and choose not to accept the scientific notion.

How do you make people believe evolution?

You explain to them how evolution is thought to work, and what, based on that, we should expect to find in biology, genetics and palaeontology. Then you allow them to see what we actually do find in biology, genetics and palaeontology. If they're able to understand what has been explained to them and shown to them, they will subsequently accept evolutionary theory (ie. common descent and natural selection) as the best (and indeed only available) explanation.

Can someone accept the theory of evolution and still believe in the creator?

Absolutely. There aren't many scientists today that do not accept the theory of evolution, but yet many, many of them are religious.The group of people 'claiming' that evolution cannot coexist with religion are religious fanatics & evolutionist devotee's. Do not mind them.

Why should people believe in evolution?

People should not " believe in " evolution but accept that evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms, is fact. The also need to consider the theory of evolution by natural selection, which explains much about evolution, as one of the most well supported explanatory theories in science. Then they would, if they are intellectually honest, come to accept not only the fact of evolution but the theory of evolution by natural selection. " Believe in " is a term one uses when one can provide no supporting evidence for one's concepts and this does not include evolution and the theory of evolution by natural selection. Go here and learn.

Why is it that there seems to be no religious people who can read Genesis in Hebrew who don't accept evolution?

There are a number of these, however, as with evolutionary science, the majority believe in evolution. What is interesting is that a number of Hebrew scholars who believe in evolution acknowledge that Genesis teaches creation and 24 hour days in the Hebrew, even though they don't believe it.

Who are the people study about evolution?

Biologists, paleontologists, geneticists, and anthropologists are some of the scientists who study evolution. They analyze fossils, genetic data, and comparative anatomy to understand how species evolved over time. The theory of evolution was proposed by Charles Darwin in the 19th century, and his ideas laid the foundation for the study of evolution.

How many evolutionist are there?

All educated people accept evolution and the theory that explains it. " Evolutionist " is a term not used among biologists. Even if there were no " evolutionists " evolution would still be an observed and observable fact and the theory of evolution by natural selection would still be the best explanation for much of the fact of evolution.

Why do people need to believe in evolution?

No one has to believe in evolution. Evolution vs creation doesn't really affect our everyday lives that much. We're still ourselves, whether we were created or evolved. It'd be helpful to believe in evolution if you're a scientist in biology and/or archaeology. Some jobs wouldn't make much sense from a creationist perspective.

What makes the theory of creation and evolution significant in existence of humanity?

There is no theory of creation. The theory of evolution by natural selection explains much about the fact of evolution. The only significance to human society is that some people can not accept the real and modern world because of ideological constraints.

How is scientific theory is different from the way most people use the word theory and explain the important the theory of evolution has on modern biology?

The vulgar meaning of theory is that one " guesses ", or just has an idea over a cup of coffee. The scientific meaning, which is the primary meaning in any good dictionary, is that theory is basically an explanation of phenomenon,( observation, fact, law, ) and this is logically consistent internally and supported by many lines of converging evidence. Simply put, the theory of evolution by natural selection is the cornerstone of biology. Biology would be an exercise in natural history " stamp collecting " is not for the theory of evolution by natural selection explaining so much ( not everything ) about evolution.

Why do some people not want to believe Darwin?

Although the evidence for evolution by natural selection is widely regarded as overwhelming, many people, because of their religious upbringing find it difficult to accept.

How do people know evolution really happens?

Because evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms and this is easily seen in population gene sequencing. This does not even mention fossils, genetics, developmental biology, geology and myriad other disciplines that support the fact of evolution. See related links for details.