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Because we have stronger motors today.

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Q: Why do most planes today have only one wing on each side?
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Where do two planes intersect?

In geometry, two planes intersect in a line. The only time this is not true is if the two planes are parallel to each other.

What is the meaning in English chicos que planes parahoy?

The English translation of "chicos que planes para hoy" is "guys, what are the plans for today?"

Are there a minimum of eight wheels on an aeroplane?

No, small planes can have only three..No, small planes can have only three..

What material used in aircraft wing construction?

Depending on the aircraft, the wings can be made of Steel (Only older planes), Wood (REALLY old planes), Aluminum (Common today), Or Carbon Fiber (used in Military jets)

How many planes crashed into the twin towers?

< four planes were targeted at the twin towers only three made it to its intended target the fourth one Passangers tried to fight back, they save alot of people.

How many pilots in marine corps?

only officers are in marine aviation but there are more enlisted then officers so not many most fighter planes are navy but air force does RC planes and crap

What is faster a train or a airplane?

Planes, on average, are faster than trains. With most planes traveling at 400 to 500mph while even the fastest conventional train in regular operation only goes 200mph

Would the sentence i am obsessed with fighter planes be correct?

Only if you are obsessed with fighter planes.

Are jets planes?

Yes, jets are planes but jets are mostly known as supersonic planes.

Do two planes intersect in infinitely many points?

No, perpendicular planes intercept at only one point. Parallel planes do not intersect at all.

What statement is true of planes in three-dimensional space?

Some planes have only one intercept.

Are light planes easy to crash?

Light planes are 'light' like in the name. So this proves that it's aerodynamics should keep it in the air. So to answer this question, light planes are not easy to crash as their aerodynamics are well supported.