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Because alcohol, or ethanol, is non-polar as well. I'm not sure where you're getting your info from.....

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Q: Why do moth balls that is non polar dissolve in alcohol that is polar?
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Related questions

Will rain dissolve moth balls?

No, rain will not dissolve moth balls as they are made from materials like naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene which are not water-soluble. However, prolonged exposure to moisture may cause them to lose their potency over time. It's best to keep moth balls in airtight containers to protect them from moisture.

How long does it take for moth balls to dissolve in the rain?

it could be from a week to months

How can you separate moth balls in a mixture?

There are a number of things you can do to separate powdered moth balls into to salt. Dissolve the moth balls in water.

What happens when you mix acetone and oil?

When acetone, which is a strong solvent, is mixed with oil, they generally do not mix well due to the differences in their chemical properties. The acetone may dissolve some of the oil, causing it to break down or separate into layers. It's important to note that mixing acetone and oil can be hazardous, as acetone is highly flammable and volatile.

Do moth balls still work if they get wet from the rain?

No, but they don't last too long after exposure to air. Eventually they dissolve so no expiration date applies.

How do you use moth balls in the closet?

To use moth balls in the closet, simply place them in a small open container or tie them in a piece of fabric to prevent direct contact with your clothing. Make sure the closet is well-ventilated to allow the fumes to disperse and avoid placing moth balls near food or in areas accessible to pets or children. It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper usage and replacement frequency.

How can moth balls be frozen?

Because when you fry moths and then freeze them they become little balls there for being frozen moth balls!

Do moth balls control gophers?

Moth balls do not control gophers. They do tend to repel them as they do not like the scent of the moth ball though.

Does heat help moth balls to disintegrate?

Yes, heat plays a large roll in the disintegration of moth balls. Ventilation is another main factor in disintegration of moth balls.

How do you get rid of the smell of moth balls?

To remove the smell of mothballs, you can try placing bowls of vinegar, activated charcoal, or baking soda in the affected area to help absorb the odor. Additionally, airing out the space by opening windows and using fans can also help dissipate the smell. Washing any fabrics or items that have been exposed to mothballs can further eliminate the odor.

Do moth balls dissipate or dissolve?

Mothballs slowly dissipate over time due to the process of sublimation, where they transition from a solid directly into a gas. They do not dissolve in the traditional sense.

What could happen if you accidentally sniff moth balls?

If you accidentally sniff moth balls for a short period of time you should be okay. Moth balls are pesticides and very harmful if you are constantly inhaling it.