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Q: Why do moths fly around bottle brush trees?
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Can lovebirds have weeping bottle brush trees as toys or perches?

Yes, bottle brush wood is safe to use for bird toys and perches.

What is the meaning of bottlebrushy?

a bottle brush may mean: -a type of brush -Calistemon, a genus of shrubs and trees from Australia known as bottlebrushes -Beaufortia, a genus of shrubs from autralia known as bottlebrushes :) thank you

If the bark of the trees is dark and the moths that rest are light what happens to the moths?

They will adapt to the environment and become dark-colored moths.

What what is a koalas habitat?

Koala's habitat is eucalyptus bushland. This type of forest can be thick or a little more sparse. Besides eucalyptus trees, there tend to be callistemon (bottle brush), melaleuca and wattle trees.

What is a koala's habitat?

Koala's habitat is eucalyptus bushland. This type of forest can be thick or a little more sparse. Besides eucalyptus trees, there tend to be callistemon (bottle brush), melaleuca and wattle trees.

Do butterflies and moths pollinate trees?

have no clue

If the bark of trees is dark and the moths that rest there are light what might happen to the moths?

They will adapt to the environment and become dark-colored moths.

What is a moths habitat?

A moths habitat is in the following; Salt marshes and Moution groves.

What are wood bugs?

some call moths wood bugs because most moths hang on trees,but moths are not woodbugs ,woodbugs are just termites.

Why is there an increase in the number of dark colored peppered moths occurred during the industrial revolution?

birds couldn't see the dark-colored moths on the trees darkened by industry.

What do peppered moths eat?

Peppered Moths eat the foliage of lime, birch, willow, hawthorn, rose and oak trees.

Why did the number of peppered moths increase after the 1850s?

The industrialization in England of factories caused the trees to turn darker due to the ash and soot coming from the factories. When the trees were done evolving into dark colored trees the dark peppered moths were difficult to see for the birds went after the ones which were easier to see, which were the light peppered moths.