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when the light reaching their eyes is not the same on the both side

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Q: Why do moths fly in circle round lights?
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Why do moths fly in circles in front of bright lights?

they are attracted to the light ! :)

What do moths do then they see a artificial light?

they fly round it in a circle. this is due to the fact that their ancestors used the sun to judge if they were flying in a straight line by keeping it in a certain part of their vision.

What do adalt moths eat?

Every age of moth eat smaller bugs.Its said baby moths eat tiny bugs like Gnats. Adults eat bigger bugs.They fly round lights because other bugs are attracted to light.They go round and eat the bugs.

Why do moths not fly after their wings are touched?

moths don't fly after they are touched because they have like scales on their wings and when you touch them they get damaged

Do moths fly in groups?


Do crabs eat moths?

No , cause moths fly and they do not live in water crabs do so the answer is No

How do moths move around?

They way moths move around is simple. They use their wings to fly about. Moths seem to be most active at night.

Can gypsy moths fly?

Males can, but females cannot

How do moths learn to fly?

they jump and flap their wings, if they cant fly they fall and die

What color is a moth?

Monkey Says:I think they are attracted to many different lights. I go year round with Lights that are many different colors. Every evening they are always swarming the lights. I think they are mostly attracted to the brightest lights.

What pumpkins do you light to attract the moths on moshi monsters?

When you click on the moths they fly to three pumpkins. They are the ones you light.

What does it mean when heaps moths fly around your house?

Moths flying around your house means that there are many other insects around. The moths have come to find food.