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moths don't fly after they are touched because they have like scales on their wings and when you touch them they get damaged

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Q: Why do moths not fly after their wings are touched?
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Why cant butterflies and moths fly immediatly after becoming an adult?

They have to wait for the wings to unfold and dry.

What are scaly wings?

Scaled wings are wings that are made up of a epidermal membrane and are generally no more then two cells thick. The scales grow out of a small socket in the membrane. They are found on moths, skippers, and butterflies. The order they belong to, Lepidoptera, is actually Latin for "scale-wing".

Are moths a type of butterfly?

Butterflies and moths are similar have some differences. Butterflies have knobs on the tips of their antennae while moths may have threadlike, feathery, or blunt antennae, but their antennae lack knobs. Most moths tend to fly chiefly at night, while butterflies are active during the day. When resting, most moths hold their wings folded flat over their backs, while butterflies hold their wings upright over their backs or flat out to the sides. Butterflies often have wings with more colorful patterns than the wings of moths. Butterflies and moths make up the order Lepidoptera within the class Insecta and the phylum Arthropoda. Butterflies belong to the superfamily Rhopalocera which has two main groups. Moths belong to one of the 21 superfamilies grouped together as Heterocera.

Why cant butterflies fly after you touch their wings?

Touching a butterfly can easily cause injury to it. Their wings are very delicate and covered with fine scales that give them color. The scales come off when touched, weakening the wing and perhaps affecting the insect's ability to fly.

Where do the moths in your house go during the day and how do they survive if all they do is fly around your lights every night?

Moths fly both during the day and the night. There are many different species of moth and each has different habits and food preferences. The question is too vague to be meaningful. Which moths are you asking about?

Related questions

How does a moth move?

moths fly because they have wings to carry them

How do moths learn to fly?

they jump and flap their wings, if they cant fly they fall and die

How do moths move around?

They way moths move around is simple. They use their wings to fly about. Moths seem to be most active at night.

Why cant butterflies and moths fly immediatly after becoming an adult?

They have to wait for the wings to unfold and dry.

Do moths or butterflies have two wings on one side 4 total that are directly on top of each other?

Moths do because they fly faster and you can tell in the light. Butterflies have two big wings, and 2 very small wings on top of it.

Do fly's have see through wings?

It depends on the type of fly, but in general, most insect wings are transparent. The biggest exception being moths and butterflies, which have transparent wings covered with small 'feathers.' And many beetles have a set of wings that are hard and protect the inner wings.

What are the similarities of a butterfly and grasshopper by their wings?

Butterflies and moths are a group of insects called Lepidoptera. Like all insects, butterflies and moths have a head, thorax, abdomen, two antennae, and six legs. Additionally, moths and butterflies have four wings that are almost always covered by colored scales, and a coiled proboscis for drinking liquids such as flower nectar. Lepidoptera is derived from the Latin lepido= scale + ptera = wing.

Are Luna moths wings identical?

No the Luna Moths wings are never the same, if you look at the wings closely you will see they are not the same

Why don't moths and butterflies fly around when it is raining?

Their delicate wings wouldn't be able to withstand the force of the falling raindrops.

Do moths need their powder to fly?

No. The powder is scales that cover the membrane of their wings. The powder itself is not used to fly, but it helps to protect the membrane underneath. Touching a moth or butterfly's wings will not prevent it from flying, as long as you are gentle.

Do butterflies get hurt when their wings rip off?

yes. their wings have nerve connections to the brain. the same is for their legs, antennae, and all other parts.

Do moth's close their wings when they sleep?

Yes they close their wings when they sleep