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There are a number of reasons to why mice twitch there whiskers some of them are: they are hungry, or they're scared and they no they're in danger!!

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Q: Why do mouses twitch there whiskers?
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What is a mouses special adaptation?

i am not sure what u are asking but here is what i think.....they use their tails for balance and to help them climb, they use their whiskers to measure spaces and to sense things and they have a crazy ability to squeeze in to the most tight spots

What do mouses out?

There is no such thing as a mouses. It is mice for your information

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I meen compute mouses

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Mouses are used for controling what you what to look at or point at. Mouses can be optional or machanical.

Where are mouses from?

i am actually not shore, but i think mouses are kinda scary dont u?

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That depends on your preference.

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its a group of cells in a mouses nose that helps it sense other mouses fear

Do zebra have whiskers?

No. Zebras do not have whiskers.

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