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Q: Why do my teeth hurt after having a piercing for a week?
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What hurts the most nose or tongue piercing?

My nose hurt worse then my tongue. However, the first week of having your tongue pierced sucks!

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It hurts to get it done but you wont notice it after a week or two.

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It depends if ur teeth are sencible if they are about 1 month if they are notabout 1 week

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it hurts somehat, the initial piercing may have a slight sting, but afterwords it feels numb for a few hours and then it may sting bad for a week

Is it normal for a tongue piercing to hurt and puss after a week?

after a weeek it will still kinda hurt :/ it shouldn't be pussing tho, i have my tongue done twice and nothing like that :l

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Does getting braces fixed hurt?

Hey :) Most people i know said that their braces really hurt after a few hours of having them on. However, i have had mine on for a week now and mine only hurt for the first few days and when i bit down. Don't worry! i think it depends on how crooked your teeth are to start with because mine didnt hurt and my teeth arent very crooked. Good luck! :D

Will getting braces hurt im getting them in 1 week?

I will be honest doesn't feel all that great. It depends on what you are having done. For me it was the bands they placed on my back teeth that hurt the most. On a pain scale from1-10 I would say it is a 6.

Can you makeout with tongue piercing?

Actually. You can but the first week it may hurt so I will say datt you should wait till it is not hurting anymore .

Does the tongue hurt during the week after it is pierced?

everyone is different. my daughter got a piercing under the tongue and said itdid not hurt, months later got another piercing at the tip of the tongue and said hell ya it hurts. others friends of mine saidactualy two out of three said yes it hurt for a day or two.

Can you get your tongue pierced even if you have bad teeth like bad decayed teeth and getting them all fixed as soon as possible though?

Yes you can, just as long as you keep the piercing as a small stud whilst you are getting your teeth fixed. it shouldn't be a problem but I would check with your dentist to make sure that he/she can work around it. just remember whilst you have first had it done, it is going to hurt and be very sensitive and if your dentist accidently catches it, it will hurt like hell so I would avoid it for about a week.

Is it bad for your 3 week piercing to be red?

depends where you piercing is