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Q: Why do my toes feel wet when dry?
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Why do my toes feel wet?

There is no way for us to diagnose your problem over the internet. You'll have to see a doctor if your toes are always wet and it's not ordinary sweat.

How do you recognize greasy hair?

feel it if it looks wet and it is dry then it is greasy

How can you prevent athlete's foot?

To prevent Athlete's Foot you need to change socks daily or when you feel they are very wet. Also after you are done swimming dry your feet very well and get in between your toes. Also do not urinate on your feet.

If two people are standing together one is wet one is dry which one will feel the cold the most and why?

The dry person will feel the cold more because the wet person standing next to them will try and get warm until the water evaporates onto the next person but by the time it has reached the dry person it would have been cold. so the dry person would feel the cold more! I think, the wet person will feel the cold more because water needs energy to evaporate and this energy is taken form the immediate surroundings ie the wet person, making the wet person feel cold. If you wet your finger and hold it up in the air it will feel cold because the heat to evaporate the water is coming from your finger.

What does sand feel like to touch?

It could feel gritty or soft, heavy or light, powdery or coarse, wet or dry.

What does sand feel like to be touch?

It could feel gritty or soft, heavy or light, powdery or coarse, wet or dry.

What is wet but is not wet but is dry but is not dry?

Something that is damp or emptiness. These two things are not wet or dry.

What is wet and dry cut of hair?

Wet they cut wet after shampoo-dry they cut it dry

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Why do cats hate to be wet?

Maybe, because his feathers when wet, he'll be cold and eventually the cat will die. If the feathers stay dry, he will feel warm.

What is the difference between wet heat an dry heat systems?

Wet heat you get in a sauna bath where there is hot rocks and water is poured over to let steam into the air. Dry heat there is very little moisture in the air. Wet heat can feel hotter but can be easier to breathe in than dry heat.

What would you expect to happen to fingers and toes of swimmers in the Great Salt Lake in Utah would their skin wrinkle or feel tight and why?

They'd get wet!