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Q: Why do negative and negative charge repel when they get close to each other?
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How will a negative and a negative react?

If refering to charge... they will repel each other.

What charges repel each other.?

It is like charges that repel each other. A charge may be positive or negative. Two positive charges repel, as do two negative charges. A positive and negative charge, however, attract each other. This is a fundamental law of electrostatics: like charges repel and opposite charges attract.

What does a neutral and a negative charge do?

They balance the atomic charge and electrical forces.

What happens if a Negative charge gets near another negative charge?

They attract their opposite forces are attracted to each other.

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What are the two like charges?

a positive and a positive or a negative and a negative. Object with the same charge. Like charges repel each other.

Do electrons need energy to repel each other?

They possess negative charges and in the universe anything having same charge would repel eachother.

What magnets repel to?

Not only magnets, but metal repel. There are two kinds of charges that metal contain, positive and negative. If you push a positively-charged magnet towards another positively-charged magnet, they'll repel, maybe because one type of charge needs the other to attract. If this one type of charge comes close to another charge of the same kind, it won't receive what it needs, and feel "resent" to the other charge, then repel. If you push a negatively-charged magnet towards another negatively-charged magnet, they will also repel.

Do opposite charges attract each other?

If the atoms have opposite charges (positive to negative) they will attract. If the atoms have the same charges (positive to positive or negative to negative) then they will repel. You can look at the Law of Electric Charges to get more information on this.

Will a ball with a positive charge attract or repel a ball with negative charge?


What effect will one positive charge have on another positive charge?

This is one of the fundamental laws of charges. Like charges repel, and opposite charges, your positive and negative ones, attract each other.

What repels electric charge?

A negative charge will repel a negative charge.