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Monatomic substances have a low melting point an boiling point because they are held together by van der Walls forces which are very weak electrostatic attractions so less energy is needed to break them apart resulting in a lower boiling and melting point.

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They do not have any delocalised (free) electrons.

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Q: Why do nonmetallic elements have low melting points?
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Why nonmetallic elements have low melting points?

Weak Van Der Waals Forces

Which of these reasons explains why nonmetallic elements have low melting points?

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B. it has a high melting point.

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It varies. Boron and thallium both have relatively high melting points while gallium and indium have very low melting points.

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No, ionic solids have very high melting points. Ionic solids are one of the strongest bonds formed among elements.

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They have low melting points and high reactivity.

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Yes, molecular solids have relatively low melting points.

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Melting points of alkali metals?

Alkali metals have relatively low melting points compared to the other metals. Their exact melting points depend on the element itself. But it would be useful to note that their melting points decreases down group I.

Do nitrogen and oxygen have very high melting points?

No, they have very low melting.

In ionic compounds Is the melting point high or low?

They have high melting points