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As all people do, a person who has problems with their weight enjoys sweet and fatty foods because of the way the foods taste. However, just because a person is obese, does not mean that they eat very sweet and fatty foods. There may be other reasons for their weight, even though they eat a well balanced diet.

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Q: Why do obese people eat very sweet and fatty foods?
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What foods should elderly people avoid?

Elderly people should avoid high-sodium foods like processed meats, canned soups, and ready-to-eat meals as they can contribute to high blood pressure. They should also limit their intake of sugary snacks and drinks to prevent blood sugar spikes and potential weight gain. It's important for elderly individuals to focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to support their overall health and well-being.

Why cant obese people have sugar?

Well, if you're obese, it's real common to also be diabetic. And if you're diabetic you should be real careful about eating sugar. Sugar is also very high in calories, energy. And the main reason for becoming obese is eating more calories than needed. So unless the obese person wants to become even more obese, they should avoid foods that are high in calories, basically everything that sweet and fatty.

Why do people choose to eat fatty foods?

People usually eat fatty foods because they are depressed and they sometimes choose to keep eating fatty foods.More information:Humans seem to have evolved a preference for foods with high fat content. This would make good evolutionary sense in ages when food was difficult to obtain and foods with high caloric content, such as fatty foods, would provide a better chance at survival. This preference for fatty foods, along with the preference for high calorie sweet foods, has carried over into modern times when it has become a disadvantage.

Is sweets and fatty foods similar?

Foods can be both. but they are different things. Both are fattening because of excessive calories but fatty foods are also typically high in cholesterol which is even worse than the calorie concerns of sweet foods alone.

How many pacific people have type 2 diabetes?

pacific people have type 2 diabetes because they eat too much fatty foods. they also eat oily food and sweet foods. foe example, chocolates, fizzy drinks, a lot of unhealthy foods they eat.

What can you do to lose 5 pounds a week?

try a regular exercise and healthy diet.. eat fruits instead of fatty and sweet foods.

What are the short term effects of fatty foods?

Depending on what kind of fatty foods, sweet things (twinkies/coke) will spike your energy really quickly for about ten - thirty minutes, then your wiped out and really tired. Save Also. its addictive, and barely makes you fuller

What does it mean to eat sensibly?

not to eat too much of sweet,salty or fatty foods because it will lead us to many kinds of illness

Why do we crave sweet and greasy foods?

It is NOT important for humans to crave both salty and sweet food. However both salt and carbohydrates (including sweet foods) are important in the human diet so it is important for people to want to have them.

Taste sensation produced by sugary foods?


Is it okay if you give cake to your parrot to eat?

Animals, including parrots, should not be fed fatty and sweet foods such as cake. However, a few crumbs now and again will not hurt.

What might be a reason for recent increases in child and teenage obesity?

Simply eating too many calories and not burning them off. Most people today spend hours and hours sitting and sitting, and eating about as many calories as a marathon runner should eat. I'm not saying ALL do, but a majority does. If they didn't, we wouldn't be this obese.