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Inertia is the tendency of objects to keep moving in a straight line. They "want" to go in a straight line, so to speak. However that is changed when a force acts on them. In the case of planets, that force is the gravitational force between the planet and the Sun.

So that's why planets orbit the Sun instead of traveling in a straight line.

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1w ago

Objects in real life do not always travel in straight lines at constant speeds because they are subject to various forces like gravity, friction, and air resistance. These forces can cause the object's motion to change, leading to curved paths or changes in velocity. Additionally, external influences such as collisions or interactions with other objects can also affect the object's trajectory.

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14y ago

Newton's third law states that a body will continue in a state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is acted on by an external force.

On earth, and just about everywhere else in the universe, there are external forces acting on objects. These include friction, gravity, and magnetism. These forces cause objects to stop travelling in a straight line, and can either speed up, or slow down the object, depending on the circumstance.

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Q: Why do objects in real life do not travel on straight line at constant speed?
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Do objects travel at constant speed?

No, objects do not always travel at a constant speed. The speed of an object can change due to various factors such as external forces, acceleration, and friction. In a vacuum with no external forces acting on it, an object will travel at a constant speed due to inertia.

Do objects usually travel at a constant speed?

Objects do not always travel at a constant speed. Acceleration and deceleration can cause changes in an object's speed. In real-world scenarios, factors like friction, air resistance, and gravity can affect the speed of an object as it moves.

Objects moving at a constant speed in a straight are said to be in?

Objects moving at constant speed in a straight line are said to be in equilibrium. That is there is no force acting on them. If a force was acting there would be aceleration and the velocity would change.

What is the motion of an object when the forces on an objects are balanced?

When the forces on an object are balanced, the object will either be at rest or moving at a constant velocity. This is described by Newton's first law of motion, which states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.

Why do objects travel at the same speed in space?

Objects in space travel at the same speed because there is no air resistance or friction to slow them down. Once an object is in motion in space, it will continue moving at a constant speed unless acted upon by an external force.

Related questions

Do objects travel at constant speed?

No, objects do not always travel at a constant speed. The speed of an object can change due to various factors such as external forces, acceleration, and friction. In a vacuum with no external forces acting on it, an object will travel at a constant speed due to inertia.

Objects moving at a constant speed in a straight are said to be in?

Objects moving at constant speed in a straight line are said to be in equilibrium. That is there is no force acting on them. If a force was acting there would be aceleration and the velocity would change.

Is a jogger moving at a constant speed accelerating?

No, a jogger moving at a constant speed is not accelerating. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if the jogger's speed remains constant, there is no acceleration.

What do you call it when an objects velocity changes?

A change in an objects velocity is called acceleration. Velocity is defined as an objects speed of travel AND its direction of travel. Acceleration can change only an objects speed, only its direction or both. If there is no acceleration acting on the object, then the velocity remains constant.

What is the motion of an object when the forces on an objects are balanced?

When the forces on an object are balanced, the object will either be at rest or moving at a constant velocity. This is described by Newton's first law of motion, which states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.

Why doesn't the Moon travel in straight line and continue in space?

The normal tendency of objects - when no force acts on them - is to move in a straight line, at a constant speed and direction (that is, a constant velocity). However, when there is a force, an object's velocity may be changed. That's what happens to the Moon, as well as to other objects in some orbit. In this case, the force is provided by gravitational attraction from Earth.

Why does a car traveling at constant speed can accelerate while a car at constant velocity connot?

A car traveling at constant speed can still accelerate if its direction changes, such as when it goes around a curve. Acceleration is defined as a change in velocity, which includes changes in direction as well as changes in speed. A car at constant velocity, on the other hand, maintains both its speed and direction, so it does not experience acceleration.

Why do objects go in a straight line after the centripital force is not exterted anymore?

That's just a special case of inertia. In general, objects have the tendency to move in a straight line, and at a constant speed, when no force is acting on them.

What is the acceleration of car that travels in a straight line at constant speed?

Straight line at a constant speed = no acceleration

An object experiences a net non-zero forceIs it possible for the object to travel with a constant speed in a straight line?

Yes, it is possible for an object to travel at a constant speed in a straight line even when experiencing a net non-zero force as long as the force is balanced by another force (such as friction or tension) in the opposite direction. If the forces are balanced, the object will not accelerate or decelerate, allowing it to maintain a constant speed.

If the plotted points on a speed time graph do not form a straight line what do you know about the objects acceleration?

You can conclude that the acceleration of the object is not constant.

How is constant speed shown on a graph?

On a distance-time graph, a straight line with a constant positive slope represents constant speed. The steeper the line, the greater the speed. Time is on the x-axis and distance is on the y-axis.