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Q: Why do oceanic and continental plates move towards each other?
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What happens at a destructive margin?

A destructive margin is when the oceanic crust moves towards the continental crust and slip under it (oceanic crust is heavier than the continental crust). This can build up a lot of pressure between the plates.

What is the process of a oceanic plate colliding with a continental plate?

Its when the oceanic crust and the continental crsut colide together.

What happens when 2 oceanic plates and 2 continental plates move towards each other?

when 2 oceanic plates move toward(converge)each other they form a lain of VOLCANIC ISLAND ARC.when 2 continenatl plates move toward(converge)each other they form MOUNTAIN BUILDING.

What are plates that move towards each other?

Plates that move toasted each other are detractive plates meeting at a destructive margin. If a continental and an oceanic plate move towards each other, earthquakes and volcanoes occur, this is called a subduction margin, but if the plates are both continental then fold mountains form this is a collision margin

Why is oceanic plate denser than continental plate?

Oceanic plates are primarily made up of basaltic rock while continental plates are primarily made of granitic rock. Basalt is denser than granite which allows oceanic plates to subduct beneath continental plates.

What are plates moving toward each other?

Plates that move toasted each other are detractive plates meeting at a destructive margin. If a continental and an oceanic plate move towards each other, earthquakes and volcanoes occur, this is called a subduction margin, but if the plates are both continental then fold mountains form this is a collision margin

What are convertgent boundaries?

A conversion boundary is a place where 2 tectonic plates are mving toward each other. There are 3 types of convergent boundaries OCEANIC CRUST-OCEANIC CRUST OCEANIC CRUST-CONTINENTAL CRUST CONTINENTAL CRUST-CONTINENTAL CRUST They are classified according to their crust

What are the types of divergent boundaries?

The 3 general types are constructive, destructive, and conservative boundaries. Constructive (divergent) - plates move away from each other, typically creating a rift Destructive (convergent) - one plate will be subducted, or continental plates collide Conservative (transform) - plates grind past each other, stalling and slipping

What happens when convergent plate movement occur?

A convergent boundary of two plates will push together. If it is two continental crusts, then they will both push upward, forming mountains. If it is a continental crust pushing against an oceanic crust, then the oceanic crust will go underneath, melt, and be recycled because the oceanic crust is less dense than the continental crust.

What are three types of convergent boundaries?

Converging (destructive) plate boundary: where two plates collide. Diverging (constructive) plate boundary: where two plates move away from each other. Transform plate boundary: where two plates move, or grind, past each other. Like the boundary in California.

What are types of convergents boundaries?

Converging (destructive) plate boundary: where two plates collide. Diverging (constructive) plate boundary: where two plates move away from each other. Transform plate boundary: where two plates move, or grind, past each other. Like the boundary in California.

When two geologic plates are moving away from each other what happens?

When it is two continental plates, new oceanic crust is formed, and when this continues, more oceanic crust is formed between the plates.