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It is caused by a natural gas that disturbs their stomach, they just let out the breakwind.

As we age, our bodies become less efficient at digestion, and this poor digestion leads to an increase in bloating, gassiness and flatulence.

There are many other reasons for becoming gassy and bloated such as eating foods that cause gassiness and bloating, not properly combining foods, or gulping air while you're eating, but the vast majority of gas is produced by bacteria in your gut.

The whole story of what's going on is a combination of loss of digestive powers, the bacteria in your gut, and the types of foods you decide to put into your mouth. While it might feel that these changes have occurred quickly, in most people they have happened slowly over time as their body changes and ages.

From the Puristat website (see related link).

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13y ago

Because they can=)JK.

There are a lot of reasons that cause flatulence, from diet to diseases but mainly as you get older your sphincter muscles are not as strong as they used to be. So actually, old people fart everywhere, not just in public.

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7y ago

Humor: Some older people might say they deserve to let their bodies do whatever it wants!

Seriously: It is untrue that ALL older people expel gas more than younger people! It depends on what people eat, their bowel routine, their overall general health, meds, etc.

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