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LOL..sounds like you're avoiding homework:)

Organisms compete for space, food, water...think of it like overpopulation...if you're alone in a grocery store you're all set. You have food, shelter, water...all that you need. If you're there with 10 friends, you're good. But if you're there with 100 friends, you've got a problem. Suddenly you have to compete for food, shelter, mate, water...everything!

So the strongest survives. Lion's do it by forming prides. But within that pride is a leader (the strongest male). If there are too many organisms for the available food, the strong survive by eating the food, taking the shelter, mating with the strongest available organism...and on they live. The weakest don't get the food, or the shelter, or the mate, and they perish.

Good luck with the homework!

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13y ago

Organisms of the same species have to compete for resources because, the species may have been overproduced. So since they need the same resources there may not be enough so then they have to compete.

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15y ago

Because it's efficient.

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12y ago

because there is not enough recourses.

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Q: Why do organisms sometimes have to compete for resources?
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