

Why do organizations use spam mail?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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To get hits when you click on them.

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Q: Why do organizations use spam mail?
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Related questions

What is another name for junk mail?


How do you stop unwanted junk mail?

It depends on what kind of email you have and if you use a program (Webmail, Outlook, Hotmail, etc.)

Is there a way to get your inbox mail back if you accidentally sent it to spam?

Depending what e-mail server you use. If there's a way you could look up ALL mail including the spam. There is sometimes a button you can click on that says. Not spam click back to inbox. G-mail and yahoo and some others usually have a way you can get back what you clicked into spam so you can save it without the next mail coming from that person going into the spam box automatically. I only know this because I use G-mail and it has that option.

How do you block spam from your computer?

either activate the spam filter in your mail account (google, or yahoo, or what have you), or download a spamfilter plugin for outlook express (or whatever you use). Google "spam filter".

What to do if you receive spam?

If you're receiving spam and it's entering your inbox then make that particular e-mail as spam and normally all e-mail systems send every e-mail from that particaular address to the spam box and after that you can simply delete it.

What is Unsolicited Mail called?

Junk mail or spam.

What is the difference between scam mail and spam mail?

Spam is an ad to sell you something that you did not ask about. A scam is trying to steal from you.

How do you stop spam mail from MyZamana?

most of mail reader software or internet email service has spam filter you can configure

What is some good spam block software?

The current popular software for blocking spam are: Spam Fighter Pro, Cloudmark DesktopOne Pro, Mail Master Pro, Choice Mail One, IHateSpam, CleanMail Home,Spam Bully,Spam Eater Pro and Spam Buster.

How do you limit spam in Gmail?

You can limit spam by unsubscribing. It can be done by manually unsubscribing the type of mail that is not required. It will not then publish that mail again.

How to stop the spam of email?

As the internet has become more integrated into or everyday lives Spam Mail has become more commonplace. Most major e-mail providers offer very effective spam mail filters to help combat this. Another good idea is to create a secondary email address to use when signing up for things online.

Where is the spam folder?

A spam Mail is when A company Sends You Email To try to promote Their Produc Or To Flame,Best Avoided.