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Q: Why do overheads need to be absorbed upon predetermined bases. Consider whether these bases for absorption are appropriate in the light of changing technology?
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What is absorption method of marginal costing?

Absorption method is that in which predetermined overhead rate is use to allocate all overheads to departments or activities.

What is absorption costing income statement?

Absorption costing income statement is that statement in which overheads are charged to units of products based on predetermined blanket rate.

Difference between absorption and marginal costing?

marginal costing is recommended by IAS and absorption costing is not recommended by IAS,marginal costing is used for internal purposes and absorption costing is ysed for external purposes,in marginal costing the fixed production overheads are not calculated as a product cost and in absorption costing the fixed prodution overheads are calculated as product cost.

What is the difference between absorption costing and direct costing?

Under absorption costing overheads are allocated to production based on predetermined overhead rates like machine hours, or direct labor hours etc while in direct costing overheads are allocated based on activity performed and relationship with production units.

What is meant by the terms under-absorption and over-absorption of fixed overheads how they arise and how they are calculated?

Over or Under AbsorptionNote that as long as planned level of activity and the actual level of activity is not the same there is always an Over or Under Absorption situationThis is because overhead absorption rate is set at the start of the period based upon an expected level of production and that during the period, the level of output and or overheads will be different from the planned overheads and or output.OVER-absorption occurs when the total overhead recovered or absorbed is GREATER than the actual level of overheads for the period.UNDER-absorption occurs when the total overheads recovered or absorbed is LESS than the actual overheads incurred in the period.

How do you identify under and over absorption?

Over or Under AbsorptionNote that as long as planned level of activity and the actual level of activity is not the same there is always an Over or Under Absorption situationThis is because overhead absorption rate is set at the start of the period based upon an expected level of production and that during the period, the level of output and or overheads will be different from the planned overheads and or output.OVER-absorption occurs when the total overhead recovered or absorbed is GREATER than the actual level of overheads for the period.UNDER-absorption occurs when the total overheads recovered or absorbed is LESS than the actual overheads incurred in the period.

Why overhead absorption rate is important?

In absorption costing, overhead absorption rate or blanket rate is key to spread all overheads on production of volume of product, because if we don't have the overhead absorption rate manufacturing overhead cannot be spread or there is no basis for allocation of overheads on manufactured units.

Difference between marginal cost accounting statements and absorption cost accounting statement?

marginal costing considers only direct) materials,labour,expenses and variable factory overheads excluding fixed factory overheads but absorption considers (direct) materials ,labour,expenses,variable and fixed factory overheads.

Why activity based costing?

Activity based costing allocate the overhead expenses based on activities performed and that's why it is an accurate way to allocate overhead expenses while in absorption costing, overheads are allocated based on some ratios or predetermined rate which is not accurate method of allocation of cost.

Difference between activity based costing and absorption costing?

In Activity based costing all overheads are charged to function or department based on activities they perform while in absorption based accounting, overheads are apportioned using some kind of base rate like labor hours or machine hours etc.

What is traditional approach income statement?

In traditional approach income statement, overheads are charged to product based on predetermined rate rather then based on actual activity.

How does activity based costing differ from traditional based costing?

Activity based costing has primary difference of allocation of overheads which are based on activities performed by any department while in traditional costing system overheads are allocated on predetermined rate which may be not very accurate.