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Turtles live a long life because they never die of old age. Even at an old age, the internal parts of their body do not show any signs of aging. However, a turtle can die from diseases, being attacked, getting drowned or improper habitat. Some turtles are however considered as "Pests" as they adapt to the habitat they are kept in. Hence, if your turtle is dead, consider yourself responsible for it as "Natural Death" (considering all the circumstances & habitat were appropriate) does not occur to a turtle.

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12y ago

You might say elephants live longer because they are bigger...But.....parrots are much smaller then dogs. So why do they live longer. ? It's obviously not size. So it must be genetic. Dogs have a litter of 6 or so. Birds lay eggs 5 or 6 so they both procreate the same. By that token if dogs live shorter lives they should have hundreds of litters to make up for the shorter life span. Fish live for years and have thousands of off spring. It doesn't make sense. Bloody stupid nature. It seems you've got to take a degree in Science Biology to get any answers. Then are they the right ones. ? If anyone can answer why dogs don't live for 60 years please let us all know. If you feel like being funny..Don't. ! I'm not in the mood.!

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14y ago

Organisms with slow metabolisms tend to live longer.

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Q: Why do parrots sea turtles and tortoises live so much longer than dogs?
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The animals that have endoskeletons are all vertebrates like lions, tigers, dogs, cats, etc. The animals that have exoskeletons are crabs, most insects, mullusks, clams, etc.

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they deal with it..:) ;) wink wink..

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yes, they had pets sugh as birds(parrots) and dogs.

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Caffeine is uncontrollably more toxic to animals including dos, horses, and parrots.

What pet store do you get quarter-sized turtles at?

It depends on where you live if you live in FL then you should go to Creature Castle of in Valrico and by Brandon.They have alot of pets there they have 1/4 sized turtles dogs cats fish birds hamsters bunnys guinea pigs and even things like scorpions weird lizrad things crickets worms parrots it is just a cool place but to find the turtles when you walk in the door look down at your right.

Can tortoises get ticks?

No, they do not have fleas, however reptiles can get mites, which are similar to fleas, if you see small bugs on your tortoise try soaking it in warm water for a little while.

Are turtles similar to dogs?

no. they are way different animals.

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I Like Turtles....

What pets can someone have even if someone has allergies?

They can have fish, tortoises, turtles, lizards, snakes, some types of dogs (I don't know which), bugs (not recommended), and a few other reptiles. MAKE SURE YOU RESEARCH THE ANIMAL BEFORE BUYING! ALSO HAVE A LARGE ENCLOSURE AND DON'T PUT REPTILES BY YOUR FACE!