

Why do people ask dumb questions on WikiAnswers?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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8y ago

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Some askers are children who ask strange and silly questions. Perhaps teenagers or adults might think it's a dumb question when it's actually most likely an innocent child just being him or her self.

Sometimes it is a problem with language, there are many people from all over the world asking questions and getting answers from WikiAnswers and some have less command of the English language than others. They may be using a translation tool to phrase the question in English for them and the intended question does not always come through the online translation tools.

Sometimes people are being funny or asking rhetorical questions to see how others answer. Other times the question may seem dumb to you, but to others it could be very serious. So be diplomatic in your answers and remember that no questions are dumb questions, unless you already know the answer to it.

WikiAnswers contributors work very hard to give good answers to all questions with these possibilities in mind.

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Because they want to know stuff, I don't know, lol

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Hey ID1442219518 why do you put dumb answers on WikiAnswers?

I don't think that one is me, but I usually do it only when people ask dumb questions.

What is WikiAnswers anyway?

WikiAnswers is a convenient site where people can ask questions and answer them.

Why do people ask dumb questions onthis site?

Doubtless many questions appear 'dumb' when you know the answer. Doubtless many 'dumb' children ask unnecessary questions. The reasons they do so are as varied as those that ask them.

Why do people go on WikiAnswers?

So that they can ask or answer questions.

What is this WikiAnswers you speak of?

WikiAnswers is an amazing website where people ask questions, then other people answer them. It is quite nifty.

What is the meaning of WikiAnswers?

The meaning of WikiAnswers is so people can ask questions and others can answer them. I think that more people are asking questions (which is fine) but not many people are willing to answer them.

Why do people ask so much dumb questions?

What is dumb to one person is not dumb for another. We all have to start somewhere. It is better to admit you are ignorant about something and ask, even if others might call it a stupid question, than it is to make mistakes or be impaired in your communications with others.Now, sometimes people engage in trolling and ask nonsense or offensive questions. They often are after a rise out of others or just want attention. The users and supervisors at WikiAnswers try to deal with those types of questions.

Can brands have accounts on WikiAnswers?

Brands can have account on WikiAnswers. Anyone can have an account on WikiAnswers. You cannot use WikiAnswers for spam; it is to be used to only to answer questions for people or ask questions that people may want to know.

Does everyone intentionally ask dumb a questions here?

You should have written ''a dumb question'' instead of ''dumb a question'' And no not everyone, but many people do so.. Source: I myself ask dumb questions sometimes because im bored

What can be done to improve the quality of the questions submitted to WikiAnswers?

Ask better questions... you can't change what people ask =P

Can you ask anything for free on this page?

Wikianswers doesn't charge people to ask questions, ask away.

Who asks the questions on WikiAnswers?

WikiAnswers visitors ask questions. You wrote this one! :-)