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Agnosticism is just the belief that it is not possible to know with certainty something about a certain subject. The subject it is commonly applied to is Religion and God, but it could be applied to any subject.

As far as I am concerned it is simply a recognition of the finite limits inherent to being human and I consider myself agnostic on certain subjects because I do recognize and admit my own limitations. If I did not consider myself agnostic on those subjects and claimed certain knowledge of them it would be a display of extreme pride and arrogance.

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Because ultimately, if they are honest with themselves, they realize there are things that cannot be known. They then become agnostic on those things.

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does agnosticism count? if so, His agnosticism prevented him from accepting any form of religion.

How would you use the word agnosticism is a sentence?

Agnosticism is a religious choice not really comprehended by most people religious people.

What is a person called whos not sure if they believe in god?

an Agnostic (from agnosticism).

What is your reaction about agnosticism?

I agree about agnosticism; you can't prove that God exists or does not exist.Answer:I don't know. I just don't know. Seriously though, for those who are very realistic, believe that there is a higher power, but cannot settle on a particular flavor of doctrine, it makes sense to believe but to avoid the dogma.

What are the miracles in Agnosticism?

Since Agnostics only believe what they can see or prove, only the acceptance of the miraculous would be a miracle.

What is the existence of agnostics?

Existence means that something is, such as you know you exist because, you see, feel, breathe, and interact with others that exist. People whom profess agnosticism, also exist. Therefore, agnosticism exist.

What is etheiem?

I believe you mean "atheism." In a nutshell, it is the belief that there is no superior being. It is often confused with agnosticism, which is when one doesn't claim or disclaim a superior being.

Use agnosticism in a sentence?

Agnosticism is the denial of humankind's ability to know or understand the existence or nature of god(s).

What Agnostic people wear what clothes?

Agnosticism refers ONLY to a certain attitude about a belief in god (basically, that you can't know for sure). Quoting from Wikipedia: "Agnosticism is the view that the existence of God, of the divine or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable."In other words, other than this particular point of view, agnosticism is not a world view; for example, it doesn't have a "holy book" that tells you what to wear when.

Why theism or atheism or agnosticism?

Why not?ANSWER:Because by default you basically fall into one of those three categories, regardless of what you believe. You either believe in a God, or you don't, or you aren't sure. There really isn't a lot of other area to explore.

Where can you find information about agnosticism?

For a definition of agnosticism, one need only turn to any dictionary where one will quickly learn that agnosticism is a religious viewpoint that essentially 'sits on the fence', not following a religion but also not asserting that religion is false. For more information about what agnosticism is about and motivations behind being agnostic, one can look to explanations on religious websites or talk to a religious figure.

What is the location of the religion of agnosticism?

Agnosticism is not considered to be a religion. Agnostics, by definition, are unsure about the existence of God (or any other diety for that matter), and therefore wouldn't worship him.