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Q: Why do people belive bad air from dead bodies cause disease?
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Cause they belive.

Are dead bodies a disease risk?

When large numbers of people have died from contagious disease, as happened during the great plagues, the dead bodies are a disease risk. However, when large number of people have died from a cause other than disease, such as earthquake, tsunami, typhoon, etc., the bodies are not an immediate disease risk. If they are permitted to putrefy near sources of drinking water, they may eventually increase the risk of waterborne disease, but this is not a risk that requires immediate, emergency mass burials if alternatives will soon become available..

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People believed that the cause of the disease was revengre from God.

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Cause some people think we have a problem, and we belive it.

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Cryptococcus is a fungal disease that can cause meningitis in people with AIDS and other immunocompromised people. It is an opportunistic infection.

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the bodies of people don't float because of the currents in the water and cause of the weight so the bodies will remain underwater.

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People who may carry disease may be put into 'isolation'.

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Some people with Canavan disease may eventually become blind

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A cause of morbidity among immunizable disease is lack of access to vaccinations. The disease might also occur in people who had access to the vaccine but chose not to be immunized.

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Sufficient cause is a cause without which will not cause the disease but with it will absolutely will cause the disease.

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sulfur dioxide i belive

Number one cause of death in America?

According to the CDC, heart disease is the number one cause of death in America. Cancer is the second leading cause of death.