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Ladders are used by climbers on Mount Everest to go over large crevasses.

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Q: Why do people bring ladders up mount everest?
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What are people bringing down off on mount Everest?

Today climbers and sherpas can earn extra money by bring down any of their rubbish from the slopes of Mount Everest.

What do people in england call mount everest?

Here in England we call Mount Everest just that......Mount Everest.

What do people use mount Everest for?

Mount Everest is used by people for climbing and mountaineering.

What do people do at mount everest?

People go to Mount Everest to climb and try and reach its summit.

What groups of people live on Mount Everest?

The people who live in villages in view of Mount Everest are Sherpas.

What are the safety requirements on mount Everest?

Bring a friend =p

What do people wear up Mount Everest?

they wore wore heavy clothing to keep they self worm and multiple layers of cloathing. also it is said people bring a bathing suit for the top of mount everest since there is a hot tub there.

How is mount Everest used?

Mount Everest is used for its resources such as water from its lakes and climbing for tourists

Facts about people reaching Mount Everest?

142 people DIED from trying to climb it, Edmund Hillary was first to climb mount Everest, Mount Everest is 8,848m tall,

What Activities do people do on mount Everest?

The main activitie done on Mount Everest is climbing/mountaineering.

How can you prevent more litter on mount Everest?

The only way to prevent more litter on Mount Everest is for the clibers to bring it down with them. There are now dedicated teams who bring down as much litter as possible.

How many people have attempted to climb Mount Everest?

How many people attempt to climb Mount Everest every year?