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Finite, the opposite of infinite, refers to something that has an end or will end. The universe is infinite, whereas fossil fuels will someday be exhausted, and we can't make more.

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1mo ago

Fossil fuels are considered finite because they are formed over millions of years from decaying organic matter, and their rate of formation is far slower than their rate of consumption. This means that once existing reserves are depleted, it would take millions of years to create more, making them a limited resource on Earth.

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Q: Why do people call fossile fuels finite?
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Why do some people call it buried sunshine?

Some people call it "buried sunshine" because fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas were formed from ancient plants and animals that captured energy from the sun through photosynthesis millions of years ago. When these fossil fuels are burned, they release that stored energy in the form of heat and light, hence the nickname "buried sunshine."

What is wrong with fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels contribute to air and water pollution, emit greenhouse gases leading to climate change, and are finite resources that contribute to geopolitical conflicts over energy sources. Additionally, extracting and burning fossil fuels can harm human health and ecosystems.

Why you call fossil fuel non renewable?

Fossil fuels are considered non-renewable because they are formed over millions of years from the remains of decaying plants and animals. They are being extracted and consumed at a faster rate than they are being replenished, making them finite resources that will eventually be depleted. Once we use up all the available fossil fuel deposits, there won't be any more formed in a human-relevant timeframe.

Which biogeochemical cycle includes a reservoir underground stored as fossil fuels?

The carbon cycle includes a reservoir underground stored as fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These fossil fuels store carbon that was once part of living organisms and play a significant role in the exchange of carbon between the geosphere and the atmosphere.

If fossil fuels are still forming why are they considered to be a nonrenewable resource?

Fossil fuels take millions of years to form from decomposed organic matter under specific conditions, making their formation process extremely slow compared to human consumption rates. Therefore, the rate at which we are using fossil fuels far exceeds their formation rate, making them effectively nonrenewable on a human timescale.

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What do you call those people that turn fossil fuels into fuel?


Who proved that there are an infinite amount of phone numbers?

It was presumably proven when it was discovered that there were infinitely many counting numbers. However, whoever it was, did not consider the mathematical possibility with practicality. The universe has a finite life. Within that our solar system is finite. People, in their turn, have finite lives. In a finite life you can only "dial" a finite number of digits. therefore, you can only call a number if it has a finite number of digits. For any finite number of digits, there are only a finite amount of phone numbers. So, having infinitely many telephone numbers is no use if you need to wait an infinite amount of time (longer than you'll live) for the first person to call you!

Was water used as fuels?

yes some people still use them today and it is call water gas!! this is important because we are not going to have fossil fuels forever so there will be a point when we use renewable sources.

What do you call a set of numbers with an exact number of points?

This is called a discrete set (all points isolated) or a finite set. Finite sets are always discrete.

When we change an infinitive into forms that can be used in a sentence after a subject ... we call that a what verb.?

Finite verb.

Why do some people call it buried sunshine?

Some people call it "buried sunshine" because fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas were formed from ancient plants and animals that captured energy from the sun through photosynthesis millions of years ago. When these fossil fuels are burned, they release that stored energy in the form of heat and light, hence the nickname "buried sunshine."

What do you call a line that is slanted with a point at each end?

A line segment with a finite, non-zero gradient.

How do you call tht guy tht fuels airplanes?

Jabibi the gas attendant

What do you call places where fuels are burned to generate electricity?

A power plant or generating station.

What do you call a car that runs on alternative fuels?

Flex fuel, green, eco friendly. A hybrid vehicle.

How do plants and animals store energy found in fossil fuels?

Plants and animals both store energy found in fossil fuels by going threw a system call cell fertilization thru out their life.

What is wrong with fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels contribute to air and water pollution, emit greenhouse gases leading to climate change, and are finite resources that contribute to geopolitical conflicts over energy sources. Additionally, extracting and burning fossil fuels can harm human health and ecosystems.