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because they are most likely american.

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Q: Why do people call platypuses duckbilled when their mouth isn't even in the bill and why do people call koalas bears when they are marsupials and NOT even related to bears?
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Do Koalas lay eggs?

No. Koalas do not lay eggs, Koalas are mammals, specifically marsupials. Marsupials are pouched mammals, not egg-laying mammals. Mammals give birth to live young, with the exception of monotremes, i.e. platypuses and echidnas, which are also unique to Australia.

What aren't koalas related to bears?

because koalas are marsupials and bears are mammals Marsupials are mammals too..But in no way related to the bear family (Ursidae)

Can you find koalas in Alaska?

No. Koalas, which are not related to bears, are marsupials which are native to Australia alone. Koalas could not survive the cold climate of Alaska.

Why don't koalas hatch from eggs?

Quite simply, the egg-laying mammals are restricted to just the monotremes. Koalas are marsupials, not monotremes. The reproductive system of marsupials is made for giving live birth, not for laying eggs. The only egg-laying mammals are echidnas and platypuses.

Do koalas leave their young?

Mother Koalas naturally leave and say a final goodbye to the young Koala joeys as soon as they reach the age of around 8 to 10 months.

Are koalas primates?

Koalas are not primates. Koalas are marsupials.

Are koalas a part of the bear family?

No. Koalas are marsupials, a whole separate class of mammals from the placental bears. Although often referred to by people outside of Australians as "koala bears", this is a misnomer. Koalas are not related to bears at all.

Are pandas bears or koalas?

Koalas are not bears at all. Their name is just "Koala". Koalas were initially called koala bears by the early settlers of Australia due to their similarities in appearances with small bears. koalas are marsupials, whereas bears are placental mammals. The two are not even distantly related.

What kind of animal are koalas?

Koalas are marsupials.

What are koalas bears related to all of them?

Koalas are not bears. They are not even remotely related to bears of any species (including pandas). Bears are placental mammals, while koalas are marsupials. There are no native bears in Australia.

Is the ninth bear species the koala?

Not at all. Koalas are marsupials, and not even remotely related to bears.

Is a bilby related to a koala?

No. Both bilbies and koalas are mammals, and marsupials, but that is as close as the relationship gets.