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People compare combustion to respiration because both processes involve the chemical reaction of fuel with oxygen to release energy. In combustion, this energy is released as heat and light, while in respiration, it is used to generate ATP for cellular functions. Both processes produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct.

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Q: Why do people compare combustion to respiration?
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Both combustion and respiration are chemical processes that involve the breaking down of molecules to release energy, typically through the reaction with oxygen.

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What is the difference between respiration and combustion?

Respiration is the process where living organisms convert glucose into energy in the presence of oxygen, producing carbon dioxide and water as byproducts. Combustion is a chemical reaction where a substance rapidly reacts with oxygen, producing heat and light energy along with carbon dioxide and water vapor in the case of organic materials. Respiration is a controlled process in living organisms, while combustion is a rapid and uncontrolled process.

What are the difference between respiration and combustion?

Respiration is a biological process that occurs in living organisms to produce energy, using oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide as a byproduct. Combustion is a chemical process that involves the rapid oxidation of a material, typically a fuel, with the release of heat and light. Respiration is a controlled process that occurs in cells, while combustion is an uncontrolled process that typically occurs in the presence of a flame or spark.

What are the sorces of carbon dioxide?

1.combustion 2.respiration

What are the similarities between respiration and combustion?

Both respiration and combustion involve the process of breaking down molecules to release energy by combining oxygen and fuel. They both produce carbon dioxide and water as byproducts. In both processes, energy is released in the form of heat.

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Photosynthesis does not happen in roots; it occurs in the leaves of plants. Respiration, on the other hand, does occur in roots as it is essential for energy production. Combustion and neutralization do not typically occur in plant roots.

What is carbon dioxide produced by both the processes of?

Carbon dioxide is produced by both the process of respiration in animals and the combustion of fossil fuels in cars, factories, and power plants.