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Q: Which of these processes happens in roots Photosynthesis Combustion respiration neutralisation?
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Related questions

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are processes?

Yes, these are opposite processes

What are 2 processes that uses oxygen?

respiration and combustion

How are the processes of aerobic respiration and photosynthesis interrelated?

with enzyme.Cellular respiration need glucose.This glucose is produced in photosynthesis

Can you reverse photosynthesis and get respiration in cells?

Respiration and photosynthesis are two seoarate processes, so reversing photosynthesis would not give you respiration. However the two processes are in some ways the reverse of each other. Photosynthesis uses CO2 and produces O2. Respiration uses O2 and produces CO2.

How is cellular respiration similar to photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are both cellular processes organisms use to obtain energy.

How do the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration work togther?

Photosynthesis provides glucose and oxygen in order for cellular respiration to occur.

What do the processes of photosynthesis and cell respiration have in common?

photosynthesis and cellular respiration can smd.

What are the processes that change the gas amounts in the air?

Respiration and photosynthesis.

Why do you think the processes of the photosynthesis and respiration are interrelated?

because it just does

What is carbon dioxide produced by both the processes of?

combustion and cellular respiration

Which 2 processes are involved in cycling carbon into the environment?

Combustion, respiration.

Why is it important that the processes of respiration and photosynthesis stay in balance?

Because in respiration CarbondiOxide is realeased by human beings and in photosynthesis oxygen is given out by plants.