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The Bible was itself written by humans, and any claim to divine inspiration for it can never be proven. When the Bible is shown to be in error, it is reasonable to listen to other humans who can demonstrate the truth on these matters.

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Q: Why do people dismiss what the Bible says for what humans say?
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no humans made cars.there is now where thats says god make cars in the bible. in the beginning it says god made things like plants , light, animals, and humans, there is no place in the bible when anyone drove in cars.if you disagree .where does the bible say anything about the car. they were made by man later on, cars are man made.

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The Bible says nothing whatever about Muslims, or their father, or how he will behave, or how he will treat other people.Muslims perceive Abraham and his son Ishmael as their spiritual forebears. But the Bible does not predict how these people "will behave" or "will treat others". It only recounts, in the past tense, how Abraham and Ishmael did behave or didtreat others, as a past historic event.The Bible in general does not talk about "submission" or "submitted people" as the basic quality of God's people, although it does mention "turning" (to God; away from sin). The Bible says more about the "people of the Covenant" or the "chosen people". The core characteristic of God's people is that they have received God's promises.

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The Bible says that it is because we ate of the tree of knowlage

You still think that it is wrong for people to test on animals?

Yes I do and it is true it says in the Bible that humans are supposed to take care of animals not torture them poor innoscent creatures they can't do anything about the human torturing way.

Why do Christians hate gays?

Because The Bible says homosexuality is wrong, and it is a sin. nobody says that we hate gays its just we dont agree with it. but if someone is being hateful that is not the way the bible says to handle the situation.According to the Bible you can't enter kingdom of God if you practice homosexuality.The question is a generalization that is false. There are people that are extremely uncomfortable with the concept. The Bible says that it is an abomination. The Bible also says that it is not our part to judge others, that right is reserved for God.