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People think Halloween is all about spooky things,so they dress scary and look scary.

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Q: Why do people dress-up as spooky ghosts witches on Halloween?
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Related questions

What happened on Halloween?

onHalloween all the ghosts and devils and witches and vampires come out.

Why did people celebrate Halloween?

people celebrated Halloween because they believed there were ghosts and on Halloween night the ghosts went in their different ya that's it.

Why do people do Halloween?

They do it because they believe in the ghosts and ghouls.

What did people use to believe about ghosts and witches?

that they were all evil and most ghosts were decendents of people who want revenge for something

Where Irish people accused of being witches on Halloween?

yes they were

Why is there Halloween?

it is made because of people not beliving god so they belived in ghosts and other halloween stuff

Can you wear a headdress for Halloween?

Yes, some people wear a witches hat.

What ancient priests first celebrated Halloween?

The ancient Celtic priests were the first to celebrate Halloween, and it was associated with the Celtic new year. It was believed that on the last night of their year (October 31), the Lord of Death, Samhain, allowed the souls of the dead to return home. Evil spirits, witches, ghosts and demons also roamed, but could be placated by a feast.

Is Halloween history?

halloweens history is when the first people in the world celebrated the day of the monsters ghosts and goblins

Why is Halloween offensive to people?

Because in some religions, Halloween is classified as worshipping the devil. Since almost everybody dresses up as ghosts, goblins, zombies, and what not.

What are haunted mansions what are ugly witches what are pumpkins what are ghosts what are vampiers?

Haunted mansions - Mansions that have ghosts living in them Ugly witches - Ugly people who have the power to do spells and put hex's and curses on other people/things Pumpkins - big round orange vegetables that eaten throughout the year and carved around the Halloween period to make scary faces - kids love doing these Ghosts - spirits of dead people that have moved on or 'gone towards the light' yet Vampires - Creatures that look like humans that have a thirst for blood all the time. A bite off a vampires can eiher kill you or turn you in to an actual vampire.

What has witches have to do with Halloween?

They are scary and sometimes use black magic, but they are just fictional characters invented to scare people.