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Cat is not a staple in French cuisine. The Larousse Gastronomique, considered to be the final word on classic French cuisine, does not list any mention of cat, either in French or English, in any form whatsoever.


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12y ago
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11y ago

People eat cats and dogs because they view it as meat.

The reason why many people are uncomfortable around the idea is because they were brought up in environments where dogs and cats are seen solely as pets and personal companions. This is similar to the Indians and cattle, where they are seen as draft animals and sacred symbols.

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11y ago

For the same reason why people eat pigs, cows, sheep, etc.

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15y ago

I live in Nice, France and that is the biggest stereotype I have ever heard. EDIT We don't.

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15y ago

No who ever told you that was dumb. that is a big fat lie.

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Which people besides Vietnamese eat dogs and cats?

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Do people in Kenya eat cats and dogs?

Well i hope not

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Cats are not a normal part of a dogs diet, but people who fight dogs (which are usually pitbulls) will use cats as bait to train the dogs to be mean.

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Yes, and they also ate cats and dogs!

What are cats enemies and why?

Most people know that dogs are and badger, maybe foxes because foxes and badgers kill cats like prey to eat while dogs can kill a cat but don't eat them. Dogs chase cats around, scaring them.

Can you do stuff with dogs or cats like eat them?

In China you could eat Dogs but I don't know about cats

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yes. some times even cats eat little dogs...

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yes because cats eat tuna and dogs eat beef.

Do dog eat cats?

No...they might bite them

What does are gorlla eat?

the animal eats people small dogs and cats and wood.