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Q: Why do people eat mints?
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Do gypsy horses eat mints?

They can.

Is it normal to sneeze when you eat mints even if you do not have an allergic reaction?

If they're really strong mints I guess it is normal. If I eat really strong flavored mints or something my eyes water which makes me sneeze sometimes ;)

Can a guinea pig eat soft mints?


Do breath mints work better than mouthwash?

No. They don't. Don't use them instead of mouthwash. Its called mouthwash because it washes your mouth. breath mints do not. Plus, mouthwash keeps your mouth feeling fresh and clean. Only a few mints do. Some people just eat mints for fun, or for a quick to keep their mouth fresh, but only lasts for a short time.

What do ponys eat that humans will eat as well?

Apples and carrots. ------ Also ponies love mints.

Are Mints A Candy?

They are because they still have sugar. Careful of how many you eat.

What kind of food is eat in great Britain?

mints and gravy gumba

Is there a mint in Detroit?

why not? you can buy mints pretty much anywhere... they are good to eat :)

Are imperial mints bad for you?

No, but dont eat too many as they will give you toothache

Allie divided a package of mints with 5 of her friends There were four extra mints which she kept She gave all nine of her mints to her sister How many mints were in the package?

34. She divided the package (evenly) between herself and five friends (six people in total) and gave 5 mints to each person, plus the extra 4 mints left over. She thus had 9 mints to give to her sister.

Do mints help people do better on tests?

well, it depends on the person. Scientist have did studies on that and it was proven to be yes. SO YES mints do help people do better on tests = )

Why do people tell you to eat mints or have chewing gum when you feel sick?

Because peppermint and spearmint, common flavorings in gum and mint, settle the stomach, especially nausea.