

Why do people emotionally abuse their children?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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probably because they don't feel good about themselves so they take it out on their kids and ruin their kids lives like their's were for whatever reason.

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Q: Why do people emotionally abuse their children?
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They always emotionally abuse them, because narcissists lack empathy. Some physically abuse. It depends on the specific case.

3 ways in which parents abuse their children?

This is very wrong but three ways parents abuse their children are physically, sexually or emotionally.

Is it illegal for parents to emotionally abuse their kids?

Not on a general basis, but if one partner wants to get a divorce from the other they can use 'emotional abuse' as a way to get that divorce. If one is emotionally abused, it is just as bad as being physically abused (you just can't see the scars) and the victim should leave their abuser.

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According to UNICEF, an estimated 1,000 children die every day due to abuse and neglect worldwide. This includes physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as neglect. It is a tragic reality that highlights the urgent need to protect and prioritize the well-being of children.

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Obesity can cause depression in children as well as adults.

Who or what does abuse affects?

Abuse effects women, men, children, animals all the same, whether it be mentally, physically, or emotionally; it's all the same. However, it's more common to happen to women than anything, sadly.

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Unless this other woman always comes around where you live, harassing you or your children, this are what you call "emotionally" abuse. The law will support you because if a person is emotionally wrecked, it will make you ill and your life will be messed up make you confused.

What does protecting individuals for abuse mean?

Protecting individuals from abuse means you protect someone from being physically abused, verbally abused, emotionally abused or sexually abused. These forms of abuse are more vulnerable towards children. A social workers job is to stop children from being abused in any kind of way and protect them from coming into contact with that person that is abusing them.

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Anything that hurts you and effects you in a negative way whether mentally, emotionally, or physically, can be considered abuse. So yes, if someone is talking bad about you because of your weight then it's emotionally abusive.

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Totally. People can become so emotionally unstable that they are willing to take their life. I've even heard of people being abused to death on myspace.

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Boys, like girls, can be bullied in a variety of ways. They may be physically abused by other children, or emotionally abused and berated. Bullying is a pattern of abuse that develops over time.

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Financially, emotionally, interactionally, and many other ways.