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Q: Why do people fight over resorses?
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What are the natural resorses in Belize?

Imho, resorses are more terrible than they are natural

Why did people like lord woolton?

yes because he started rasning to save resorses

Do people fight over there religion?

Yes, people fight over different religions as they believe their god is the one and only god, but other religions disagree with this.. causing conflict.

What are the naturl resorses of the great plains?


What are the natural resorses of Alabama?

fruit and vegetables

How are kishes built?

THey are built from resorses around them

What is a natural resorses?

water is a natural resorse

When the Israelite reached Canaan they fight to see who settle there is there anywhere today where people fight over who own the land?

The Palestinians and the Israelis fight over the same areas today.

Do people fight over their land now days?

sometimes they do

Why diamond causes death?

Bcuz People fight over them

How people have fun in Africa?

They fight to the death over their dinner.

How do people in America still fight for freedom?

they still fight for freedom because their are still races people out in the world and they wars are not yet over