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Q: Why do people generate energy from corns and sugar canes?
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What is bigger one half of an inch or five sixteenth of an inch?

An early definition of the inch was "3 barley corns laid end to end". You could say that it is the length of a barley corn. ANS2: One-third of one inch is equal to: 1 divided by 3 = 0.333 333 333 3 inch (or 0.846 666 666 58 centimeter). To verify this, you can do a web search for a conversion calculator or a conversion table. Or, if looking at a ruler: from the above conversion it is approx 8.5 millimeters, so between 8 and 9 mm. Or on the English side of the ruler: it is between 5/16 and 11/32 inch (closer to 11/32).

Science is a curse?

Science is a boon to mankind. The growth of science has given us a lot of advantages. They are in the fields of lighting, transports, kitchen wares, running factories, medicine, agriculture etc. The fans, the electric lights, the electric trains and the air flights radio, television, mixie, grinder, electric ovens, gas stoves etc., are of great use to us. They are useful but to some extent cheap. In the field of medicine today we get a lot of powerful life-saving drugs. The costly modern hospital equipments that we make use are of X-ray, scanning. Surgical machines are the modern gift of science and technology. In the field of agriculture too, we use modern farm equipments like tractor, harvesting machines. Pesticides and manures have come to help the farmers. They make the best use of them and grow more and more corns. The green revolution is the result of modern science. The computer and modern electronic goods help us a lot. These have made our life happier and more comfortable. Science is a bad master. Some make use of the growth of Science for their own selfish ends. Especially the politicians muddle with Science and with the help of scientists manufacture dangerous bombs. We had enough experience of such bomb explosions in Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan. So we must act and thus convert it as our good servant and not bad master.

How many words can you make from the letters in survivor science?

Science Survivor Cornice Survives Cornices Survive Conciser Survive Concussive River Novices Scurvier Crevices Visor Nu Crevices Virus On Crevices Virus No Cervices Visor Nu Cervices Virus On Cervices Virus No Crevice Visors Nu Crevice Visor Nus Crevice Visor Sun Crevice Virus Son Crevice Virus Nos Concise Rev Virus Scenic Survive Or Scenic Rove Virus Scenic Over Virus Circuses Rev Vino Sconce Rive Virus Soccer Vein Virus Soccer Nevi Virus Soccer Vine Virus Soccer Survive In Cruces Vein Visor Cruces Nevi Visor Cruces Vine Visor Cruces Rives Vino Cruces Rive Vinos Cruces Rev Vision Iconic Versus Rev Civics Nerves Our Civics Nerve Sour Civics Nerve Ours Civics Never Sour Civics Never Ours Civics Soever Run Civics Soever Urn Civics Revues Nor Civics Nervous Re Civics Venous Err Civics Oven Surer Civics Runes Rove Civics Runes Over Civics Nurse Rove Civics Nurse Over Civics Rune Overs Civics Rune Servo Civics Rune Roves Civics Rune Verso Civic Nerves Sour Civic Nerves Ours Civic Nerve Sours Civic Never Sours Civic Soever Urns Civic Soever Runs Civic Server Onus Civic Revers Onus Civic Nervous Res Civic Venous Errs Civic Ovens Surer Civic Nurses Rove Civic Nurses Over Civic Runes Overs Civic Runes Servo Civic Runes Roves Civic Runes Verso Civic Nurse Overs Civic Nurse Servo Civic Nurse Roves Civic Nurse Verso Civic Rune Servos Civic Rune Versos Civic Nevus Sorer Conic Sever Virus Conic Verse Virus Conic Veers Virus Conic Serve Virus Conic Viruses Rev Conic Survives Re Conic Survive Res Conic Rive Versus Conics Veer Virus Conics Ever Virus Conics Survive Re Croci Revives Nus Croci Revives Sun Croci Revive Suns Croci Evens Virus Croci Seven Virus Croci Verve Sinus Croci Vein Versus Croci Nevi Versus Croci Vine Versus Croci Survives En Croci Survive Ens Croci Rives Nevus Circus Revives On Circus Revives No Circus Revive Son Circus Revive Nos Circus Even Visor Circus Sever Vino Circus Verse Vino Circus Veers Vino Circus Serve Vino Circus Verves Ion Circus Veer Vinos Circus Ever Vinos Circus Verve Ions Circus Vines Rove Circus Vines Over Circus Veins Rove Circus Veins Over Circus Vein Overs Circus Vein Servo Circus Vein Roves Circus Vein Verso Circus Nevi Overs Circus Nevi Servo Circus Nevi Roves Circus Nevi Verso Circus Vine Overs Circus Vine Servo Circus Vine Roves Circus Vine Verso Circus Rives Oven Circus Rive Ovens Concurs Revives I Concurs Revive Is Concurs Ivies Rev Concurs Rives Vie Concurs Rive Vies Concurs Rive Vise Concur Revives Is Concur Revive Sis Concur Ivies Revs Concur Rives Vies Concur Rives Vise Concur Rive Vises Concuss River Vie Succors Revive In Succors Riven Vie Succors Vein Rive Succors Nevi Rive Succors Vine Rive Occurs Revives In Occurs Revive Sin Occurs Revive Ins Occurs Riven Vies Occurs Riven Vise Occurs Vines Rive Occurs Veins Rive Occurs Vein Rives Occurs Nevi Rives Occurs Vine Rives Crocus Revives In Crocus Revive Sin Crocus Revive Ins Crocus Riven Vies Crocus Riven Vise Crocus Vines Rive Crocus Veins Rive Crocus Vein Rives Crocus Nevi Rives Crocus Vine Rives Succor Revives In Succor Revive Sin Succor Revive Ins Succor Riven Vies Succor Riven Vise Succor Vines Rive Succor Veins Rive Succor Vein Rives Succor Nevi Rives Succor Vine Rives Occur Revives Sin Occur Revives Ins Occur Revive Sins Occur Riven Vises Occur Vines Rives Occur Veins Rives Evinces Cur Visor Evince Curs Visor Evince Cur Visors Services Cur Vino Service Con Virus Service Curs Vino Service Cur Vinos Recover Viscus In Ice Corn Survives Ice Corns Survive Ice Scorn Survive Invoices Curs Rev Invoices Cur Revs Invoice Curs Revs Civies Covers Run Civies Covers Urn Civies Cover Urns Civies Cover Runs Civies Curves Nor Civvies Corner Us Civvies Core Urns Civvies Core Runs Civvies Corer Nus Civvies Corer Sun Civvies Scorer Nu Civvies Corers Nu Civvies Cores Run Civvies Cores Urn Civvies Score Run Civvies Score Urn Civvies Recurs On Civvies Recurs No Civvies Curers On Civvies Curers No Civvies Curer Son Civvies Curer Nos Civvies Recur Son Civvies Recur Nos Civvies Ecrus Nor Civvies Cures Nor Civvies Cruse Nor Civvies Curse Nor Civvies Con Surer Civvies Corn Rues Civvies Corn Sure Civvies Corn Ruse Civvies Corn User Civvies Corns Rue Civvies Scorn Rue Civvies Cursor En Civvies Cos Rerun Civvies Cur Snore Civvies Cur Senor Nice Covers Virus Nice Curves Visor Nice Curve Visors Nice Sec Survivor Nice Viscus Rover Coiner Viscus Rev Novices Rec Virus Novices Curve Sir Novices Uric Revs Novices Curs Rive Novices Cur Rives Novice Recs Virus Novice Curves Sir Novice Curve Sirs Novice Viscus Err Novice Curs Rives Novice Cuss River Nicer Coves Virus Nicer Viscous Rev Nicer Viscus Rove Nicer Viscus Over Nicer Cos Survive Since Cover Virus Since Curve Visor Viscose Runic Rev Viscose Incur Rev Viscose Cur Riven Voices Incurs Rev Voices Runic Revs Voices Incur Revs Voices Curs Riven Voice Incurs Revs Rice Covens Virus Rice Curves Vinos Rice Con Survives Rice Cons Survive Ricer Viscus Oven Crier Viscus Oven Scurvier Vices On Scurvier Vices No Scurvier Vice Son Scurvier Vice Nos Scurvier Covens I Scurvier Coven Is Scurvier Coves In Scurvier Cove Sin Scurvier Cove Ins Scurvier Sec Vino Scurvier Sic Oven Scurvier Con Vies Scurvier Con Vise Scurvier Cons Vie Scurvier Cos Vein Scurvier Cos Nevi Scurvier Cos Vine Curvier Vices Son Curvier Vices Nos Curvier Vice Sons Curvier Covens Is Curvier Coven Sis Curvier Coves Sin Curvier Coves Ins Curvier Cove Sins Curvier Sec Vinos Curvier Secs Vino Curvier Sic Ovens Curvier Sics Oven Curvier Con Vises Curvier Cons Vies Curvier Cons Vise Curvier Cos Vines Curvier Cos Veins Rices Coven Virus Rices Curves Vino Rices Curve Vinos Rices Con Survive Crise Coven Virus Crise Curves Vino Crise Curve Vinos Crise Con Survive Cries Coven Virus Cries Curves Vino Cries Curve Vinos Cries Con Survive Crises Curve Vino Scurvies Vice Nor Scurvies Cover In Scurvies Rec Vino Scurvies Icon Rev Scurvies Coin Rev Scurvies Con Rive Scurvies Corn Vie Cursives Vice Nor Cursives Cover In Cursives Rec Vino Cursives Icon Rev Cursives Coin Rev Cursives Con Rive Cursives Corn Vie Cursive Vices Nor Cursive Coven Sir Cursive Covers In Cursive Cover Sin Cursive Cover Ins Cursive Rec Vinos Cursive Recs Vino Cursive Icon Revs Cursive Coin Revs Cursive Icons Rev Cursive Scion Rev Cursive Sonic Rev Cursive Coins Rev Cursive Con Rives Cursive Corn Vies Cursive Corn Vise Cursive Corns Vie Cursive Scorn Vie Cursive Cons Rive Cursive Cos Riven Ices Corn Survive Vices Crone Virus Vices Uncover Sir Vices Covers Ruin Vices Cover Ruins Vices Recurs Vino Vices Curers Vino Vices Curer Vinos Vices Recur Vinos Vices Curves Iron Vices Curve Rosin Vices Curve Irons Vices Incurs Rove Vices Incurs Over Vices Runic Overs Vices Runic Servo Vices Runic Roves Vices Runic Verso Vices Incur Overs Vices Incur Servo Vices Incur Roves Vices Incur Verso Vices Cirrus Oven Vices Sic Overrun Vices Cursor Vein Vices Cursor Nevi Vices Cursor Vine Vices Scour Riven Vices Cur Version Vice Censor Virus Vice Crones Virus Vice Uncovers Sir Vice Uncover Sirs Vice Covers Ruins Vice Recurs Vinos Vice Curers Vinos Vice Curves Rosin Vice Curves Irons Vice Curve Rosins Vice Incurs Overs Vice Incurs Servo Vice Incurs Roves Vice Incurs Verso Vice Runic Servos Vice Runic Versos Vice Incur Servos Vice Incur Versos Vice Cirrus Ovens Vice Sic Overruns Vice Sics Overrun Vice Corn Viruses Vice Uncross Rive Vice Cursors Vein Vice Cursors Nevi Vice Cursors Vine Vice Cursor Vines Vice Cursor Veins Vice Scours Riven Vice Curs Version Vice Cur Versions Once Viscus River Cone Viscus River Crone Sic Survive Crone Viscus Rive Corner Viscus Vie Uncovers Sic Rive Uncover Sic Rives Uncover Sics Rive Covens Curve Iris Covens Cirrus Vie Covens Uric Rives Coven Curves Iris Coven Cirrus Vies Coven Cirrus Vise Core Viscus Riven Corer Viscus Vein Corer Viscus Nevi Corer Viscus Vine Covers Incurs Vie Covers Runic Vies Covers Runic Vise Covers Incur Vies Covers Incur Vise Covers Uric Vines Covers Uric Veins Cover Incurs Vies Cover Incurs Vise Cover Runic Vises Cover Incur Vises Cover Viscus Rein Coves Cirri Nevus Coves Incurs Rive Coves Runic Rives Coves Incur Rives Coves Cirrus Vein Coves Cirrus Nevi Coves Cirrus Vine Cove Incurs Rives Cove Cirrus Vines Cove Cirrus Veins Rec Curves Vision Rec Curve Visions Rec Icon Survives Rec Coin Survives Rec Icons Survive Rec Scion Survive Rec Sonic Survive Rec Coins Survive Rec Viscous Riven Recs Curve Vision Recs Icon Survive Recs Coin Survive Curves Ionic Revs Curves Icon Rives Curves Coin Rives Curves Icons Rive Curves Scion Rive Curves Sonic Rive Curves Coins Rive Curves Corn Ivies Curve Crisis Oven Curve Icons Rives Curve Scion Rives Curve Sonic Rives Curve Coins Rives Curve Scions Rive Curve Sic Version Curve Corns Ivies Curve Scorn Ivies Ionic Curs Verves Ironic Cuss Verve Icon Curs Revives Coin Curs Revives Icons Uric Verves Icons Curs Revive Icons Cur Revives Scion Uric Verves Scion Curs Revive Scion Cur Revives Sonic Uric Verves Sonic Curs Revive Sonic Cur Revives Coins Uric Verves Coins Curs Revive Coins Cur Revives Scions Uric Verve Scions Cur Revive Incurs Cos Revive Runic Cos Revives Incur Cos Revives Uric Cons Revives Viscus Con Verier Sconce Rev I Virus Cruces Revs I Vino Cruces Rev I Vinos Cruces Rev Vino Is Iconic Revs Rev Us Civics Nerve Or Us Civics Never Or Us Civics Sever Nu Or Civics Verse Nu Or Civics Veers Nu Or Civics Serve Nu Or Civics Veer Nor Us Civics Veer Run So Civics Veer Urn So Civics Veer Nus Or Civics Veer Sun Or Civics Ever Nor Us Civics Ever Run So Civics Ever Urn So Civics Ever Nus Or Civics Ever Sun Or Civics Eves Run Or Civics Eves Urn Or Civics Eve Urns Or Civics Eve Runs Or Civics En Rover Us Civics En Revs Our Civics En Rev Sour Civics En Rev Ours Civics Oven Err Us Civics Rune Rev So Civics Ens Rev Our Civics Nevus Re Or Civics Roe Revs Nu Civics Roe Rev Nus Civics Roe Rev Sun Civics Ore Revs Nu Civics Ore Rev Nus Civics Ore Rev Sun Civics Sore Rev Nu Civics Roes Rev Nu Civics Rose Rev Nu Civics Ores Rev Nu Civics Overs Re Nu Civics Servo Re Nu Civics Roves Re Nu Civics Verso Re Nu Civics Rove Re Nus Civics Rove Re Sun Civics Rove Res Nu Civics Over Re Nus Civics Over Re Sun Civics Over Res Nu Civics Re Rev Onus Civics Rues Rev On Civics Rues Rev No Civics Sure Rev On Civics Sure Rev No Civics Ruse Rev On Civics Ruse Rev No Civics User Rev On Civics User Rev No Civics Revs Rue On Civics Revs Rue No Civics Rue Rev Son Civics Rue Rev Nos Civics Rev Use Nor Civics Rev Sue Nor Civic Nerves Or Us Civic Server On Us Civic Server No Us Civic Server Nu So Civic Revers On Us Civic Revers No Us Civic Revers Nu So Civic Verses Nu Or Civic Serves Nu Or Civic Severs Nu Or Civic Sever Nor Us Civic Sever Run So Civic Sever Urn So Civic Sever Nus Or Civic Sever Sun Or Civic Verse Nor Us Civic Verse Run So Civic Verse Urn So Civic Verse Nus Or Civic Verse Sun Or Civic Veers Nor Us Civic Veers Run So Civic Veers Urn So Civic Veers Nus Or Civic Veers Sun Or Civic Serve Nor Us Civic Serve Run So Civic Serve Urn So Civic Serve Nus Or Civic Serve Sun Or Civic Veer Urns So Civic Veer Runs So Civic Veer Run Sos Civic Veer Urn Sos Civic Veer Suns Or Civic Ever Urns So Civic Ever Runs So Civic Ever Run Sos Civic Ever Urn Sos Civic Ever Suns Or Civic Eves Urns Or Civic Eves Runs Or Civic En Rovers Us Civic En Versus Or Civic En Revs Sour Civic En Revs Ours Civic En Rev Sours Civic Snore Rev Us Civic Senor Rev Us Civic Ovens Err Us Civic Oven Errs Us Civic Runes Rev So Civic Nurse Rev So Civic Rune Revs So Civic Rune Rev Sos Civic Ens Rover Us Civic Ens Revs Our Civic Ens Rev Sour Civic Ens Rev Ours Civic Nevus Err So Civic Nevus Res Or Civic Roe Revs Nus Civic Roe Revs Sun Civic Roe Rev Suns Civic Ore Revs Nus Civic Ore Revs Sun Civic Ore Rev Suns Civic Sore Revs Nu Civic Sore Rev Nus Civic Sore Rev Sun Civic Roes Revs Nu Civic Roes Rev Nus Civic Roes Rev Sun Civic Rose Revs Nu Civic Rose Rev Nus Civic Rose Rev Sun Civic Ores Revs Nu Civic Ores Rev Nus Civic Ores Rev Sun Civic Sores Rev Nu Civic Roses Rev Nu Civic Servos Re Nu Civic Versos Re Nu Civic Overs Re Nus Civic Overs Re Sun Civic Overs Res Nu Civic Servo Re Nus Civic Servo Re Sun Civic Servo Res Nu Civic Roves Re Nus Civic Roves Re Sun Civic Roves Res Nu Civic Verso Re Nus Civic Verso Re Sun Civic Verso Res Nu Civic Rove Re Suns Civic Rove Res Nus Civic Rove Res Sun Civic Over Re Suns Civic Over Res Nus Civic Over Res Sun Civic Re Versus On Civic Re Versus No Civic Re Revs Onus Civic Res Rev Onus Civic Users Rev On Civic Users Rev No Civic Ruses Rev On Civic Ruses Rev No Civic Rues Revs On Civic Rues Revs No Civic Rues Rev Son Civic Rues Rev Nos Civic Sure Revs On Civic Sure Revs No Civic Sure Rev Son Civic Sure Rev Nos Civic Ruse Revs On Civic Ruse Revs No Civic Ruse Rev Son Civic Ruse Rev Nos Civic User Revs On Civic User Revs No Civic User Rev Son Civic User Rev Nos Civic Revs Rue Son Civic Revs Rue Nos Civic Revs Use Nor Civic Revs Sue Nor Civic Rue Rev Sons Civic Rev Uses Nor Civic Rev Sues Nor Conic Verve Sir Us Conic Rives Rev Us Conic Rive Revs Us Conic Versus Rev I Conics Rive Rev Us Croci Verves I Nus Croci Verves I Sun Croci Verves In Us Croci Verves Is Nu Croci Verve I Suns Croci Verve Sin Us Croci Verve Ins Us Croci Verve Is Nus Croci Verve Is Sun Croci Verve Sis Nu Croci Vines Rev Us Croci Veins Rev Us Croci Vein Revs Us Croci Nevi Revs Us Croci Vine Revs Us Croci Vises Rev Nu Croci Vies Revs Nu Croci Vies Rev Nus Croci Vies Rev Sun Croci Vise Revs Nu Croci Vise Rev Nus Croci Vise Rev Sun Croci Vie Revs Nus Croci Vie Revs Sun Croci Vie Rev Suns Croci Nevus Revs I Croci Nevus Rev Is Circus Verves I On Circus Verves I No Circus Verve I Son Circus Verve I Nos Circus Verve In So Circus Verve Is On Circus Verve Is No Circus Vein Rev So Circus Nevi Rev So Circus Vine Rev So Circus Vies Rev On Circus Vies Rev No Circus Vise Rev On Circus Vise Rev No Circus Vie Revs On Circus Vie Revs No Circus Vie Rev Son Circus Vie Rev Nos Circus Ovens Rev I Circus Oven Revs I Circus Oven Rev Is Concurs Verve I Is 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Rev Ins Succor Verves I In Succor Verve I Sin Succor Verve I Ins Succor Verve In Is Succor Vines Rev I Succor Veins Rev I Succor Vein Revs I Succor Vein Rev Is Succor Nevi Revs I Succor Nevi Rev Is Succor Vine Revs I Succor Vine Rev Is Succor Vies Rev In Succor Vise Rev In Succor Vie Revs In Succor Vie Rev Sin Succor Vie Rev Ins Occur Verves I Sin Occur Verves I Ins Occur Verves In Is Occur Verve I Sins Occur Verve In Sis Occur Verve Sin Is Occur Verve Ins Is Occur Vines Revs I Occur Vines Rev Is Occur Veins Revs I Occur Veins Rev Is Occur Vein Revs Is Occur Vein Rev Sis Occur Nevi Revs Is Occur Nevi Rev Sis Occur Vine Revs Is Occur Vine Rev Sis Occur Vises Rev In Occur Vies Revs In Occur Vies Rev Sin Occur Vies Rev Ins Occur Vise Revs In Occur Vise Rev Sin Occur Vise Rev Ins Occur Vie Revs Sin Occur Vie Revs Ins Occur Vie Rev Sins Ice Viscus Rev Nor Ice Con Revs Virus Ice Cons Rev Virus Ice Curs Revs Vino Ice Curs Rev Vinos Ice Cur Revs Vinos Civies Corn Rev Us Civies Cos Rev Run Civies Cos Rev Urn Civies Curs Rev On Civies Curs Rev No Civies Cur Revs On Civies Cur Revs No Civies Cur Rev Son Civies Cur Rev Nos Civvies Rec Nor Us Civvies Rec Run So Civvies Rec Urn So Civvies Rec Nus Or Civvies Rec Sun Or Civvies Recs Nu Or Civvies Sec Run Or Civvies Sec Urn Or Civvies Con Err Us Civvies Corn Re Us Civvies Cos Re Run Civvies Cos Re Urn Civvies Cos Err Nu Civvies Curs En Or Civvies Curs Re On Civvies Curs Re No Civvies Cur Ens Or Civvies Cur Re Son Civvies Cur Re Nos Civvies Cur Res On Civvies Cur Res No Nice Viscus Rev Or Nice Cos Rev Virus Novices Curs Rev I Novices Cur Revs I Novices Cur Rev Is Novice Curs Revs I Novice Curs Rev Is Novice Cur Revs Is Novice Cur Rev Sis Viscose Cur Rev In Voices Sic Rev Run Voices Sic Rev Urn Voices Curs Rev In Voices Cur Revs In Voices Cur Rev Sin Voices Cur Rev Ins Voice Sic Revs Run Voice Sic Revs Urn Voice Sic Rev Urns Voice Sic Rev Runs Voice Sics Rev Run Voice Sics Rev Urn Voice Curs Revs In Voice Curs Rev Sin Voice Curs Rev Ins Voice Cur Revs Sin Voice Cur Revs Ins Voice Cur Rev Sins Rice Viscus Rev On Rice Viscus Rev No Rice Cuss Rev Vino Scurvies Con Rev I Cursives Con Rev I Cursive Sic Rev On Cursive Sic Rev No Cursive Con Revs I Cursive Con Rev Is Cursive Cons Rev I Cursive Cos Rev In Ices Con Rev Virus Ices Curs Rev Vino Ices Cur Revs Vino Ices Cur Rev Vinos Vices Vice Urns Or Vices Vice Runs Or Vices Covers I Run Vices Covers I Urn Vices Cover I Urns Vices Cover I Runs Vices Cover Sir Nu Vices Cover Is Run Vices Cover Is Urn Vices Cove Sir Run Vices Cove Sir Urn Vices Rec Visor Nu Vices Rec Virus On Vices Rec Virus No Vices Curves I Nor Vices Curves In Or Vices Curve Sin Or Vices Curve Ins Or Vices Curve Sir On Vices Curve Sir No Vices Curve Is Nor Vices Runic Rev So Vices Incur Rev So Vices Uric Revs On Vices Uric Revs No Vices Uric Rev Son Vices Uric Rev Nos Vices Sic Rover Nu Vices Sic Rove Run Vices Sic Rove Urn Vices Sic Over Run Vices Sic Over Urn Vices Con River Us Vices Con Re Virus Vices Corn Rive Us Vices Scour Rev In Vices Cos River Nu Vices Cos Rive Run Vices Cos Rive Urn Vices Cos Rev Ruin Vices Curs Vein Or Vices Curs Nevi Or Vices Curs Vine Or Vices Curs Rive On Vices Curs Rive No Vices Curs Vie Nor Vices Curs Rove In Vices Curs Over In Vices Curs Re Vino Vices Curs Rev Ion Vices Cur Riven So Vices Cur Vines Or Vices Cur Veins Or Vices Cur Rives On Vices Cur Rives No Vices Cur Rive Son Vices Cur Rive Nos Vices Cur Vies Nor Vices Cur Vise Nor Vices Cur En Visor Vices Cur Oven Sir