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People who abuse their dogs probably started out thinking that having a dog will be awesome and fun and that the dog wouldn't need any work in order for it to live and be happy. But when the responsibility of caring for the dog hits them and gets "boring" for them they just stop doing it.

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Q: Why do people get dogs if they are just going to abuse them?
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Related questions

How do people abuse their dogs and why?

some people abuse their dogs by kicking them or by having them for fighting. they use them for fighting to usually make money or just for fun

How can a person abuse their pets?

they obviously just don't care. It truly disturbs me but obviously people just don't care since over 100,000,000,000 dogs die a year from abuse.

How many dogs get abused daily?

Sadly more than I can count. A lot of people abuse their dogs daily, from starving them, beating them, to just not taking care for them at all. A big way in which people abuse their dogs is by not providing them with the appropriate grooming they need. Like bathing, nails filled and clipped, and tangles. The tangles can keep bacteria on the skin, causing infections. Although it is impossible to get an accurate number of animal abuse cases. Statistics do show that dogs are often the most abused animal. For further reference, please refer to the related links section below.

How many dogs are abused and killed?

The owners abuse their dogs because the dogs probably did something wrong, the owner was upset at some one else, or their just plain...Mest up in the head!dont listen to this. cuz its not just tht..

Why do people abuse?

because normally they have something going on in there life

What do jews thinks about drug abuse?

Jewish people are just people. And just like all other people, their opinions vary.

Does abuse affect those surrounding it?

Oh yes, it does if there is a abuse going around for sure that person has to be careful who is very close to them because abuse is not something you take for a joke you have to tell somebody because your not just hurting yourself your hurting peeople you love and the people who love you. And if somebody is trying to heelp you go with the advice or help

Why are you nice to people Why don't you abuse them?

you dont be like that to people just like you treat others just like the way you want to be treated

Why do people abuse and neglect animals?

People that abuse animals have a mental promblem or somthing. They probably get pissed or something and take out their anrgy on animals.

Kind of dogs?

There are many kinds of dogs just like there are many kinds of special people.

Do dogs like going into the sun?

Yes they do. They need the Vitamin D from the sun, just as we do.

Is the King Charles breed going extinct?

No, this is just a rumor. These dogs are rare though.