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People often get credit scores before making large purchases to make sure their credit is good enough to get the best loan rates. If their credit score is lower than they expected, they are able to look through the information and find possible mistakes.

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Q: Why do people get free credit score reports to take down there credit?
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Related questions

How are credit reports governed?

Credit Reports are governed through the Credit Bureau. The regulations are handed down through the government and standards are set for the people to follow.

How long before a loan shows in your credit score and how many points will it increase?

typically, a credit score will go DOWN a little when you get a loan or have any inquiries on your personal credit information. The credit score usually goes up after there are reports that you have made timely payments on a loan and after you have some assets that are of real value.

What can bring down your credit score?

you credit score will go down if you are not paying your monthly bills on time, in order for you to increase your credit score you have to pay your credit bills on time or in full.

Does your credit score go down if you are denied a loan?

yes your credit score goes down everytime you apply

How does making late auto payments or having your auto reposessed affect your credit score?

With a reposession on your credit report it is almost impossible to get another auto loan unless you have not had any negative reports after the repo and you have at least 30% down. It probably lowers your credit score by 100 points.

Can you get a no money down loan with credit score of 780?

It is highly likely. This is a good credit score.

Does opening a credit card hurt your credit score?

Actually, it does. It uses the available credit you have so when that goes down the credit score does too.

Does your credit score drop at a certain age?

credit score is not based on age but how you handle your credit....handling your credit well and your score goes up.....handle your credit bad, as in having a lot of debt and not paying on time brings your score down.

Why is it beneficial to check a credit report score often?

A credit report can be obtained from the three major credit rating companies once annually for free. It can be beneficial to check these reports not only to prevent identity theft, but also to check for errors made by banks, which can adversely affect your credit score. Checking your report too often with credit checking sites is ill-advised, as your credit score will actually go down every time someone requests a copy.

Does lowering your credit limit on a card hurt your credit score?

Lowering a credit card's limit may cause a credit score to go up, down, or remain the same. Factors that impact a credit score can include: the amount a credit limit is reduced, on-time payments, new accounts being opened and if balances are paid down or increased.

What does your credit score have to be to get a credit card?

This completely depends on the bank you are going to and their guidelines. Currently, most banks are turning people down with credit score below 660. If your score is not high enough, one of my favorite ways to boost a person's credit card score is to teach them about the magic of authorized users. Authorized usersare people who have permission to use other people's credit cards. For instance, your husband might have a Citi card. His name, and his credit score, was used to apply for the account, but you have permission to use the account.Becoming an authorized user is a powerful way to boost your credit score because you get to borrow the account holder's good credit history. If you are an authorized user on a credit card in good standing, your credit score will reflect the credit card's positive payment history by increasing. Beware, though: If you are an authorized user on a credit card in poor standing, your credit score will reflect the credit card's negative payment history by dropping.

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