

Why do people get wisdom teeth?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Why do people get wisdom teeth?
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Are there people who don't get wisdom teeth?

Yes, wisdom teeth or 3rd molars are the most commonly missing or deformed teeth.

If wisdom teeth cause your teeth to get crooked Do your teeth get straight after you get your wisdom teeth extractions?

Not necessarily. Teeth tend to become more crowed as we age, especially the lower front teeth. This happens in some people regardless of whether they have wisdom teeth or not. Therefore, removing the wisdom teeth, solely for the purpose of hoping to get naturally straighter teeth, won't work.

Do Japanese people have wisdom teeth?


Will you ever get wisdom teeth?

Not all people get their wisdom teeth. Some get all four wisdom teeth, some get just one, and others have some that never erupt.

Which teeth are the ''wisdom teeth''?

Your wisdom teeth are the teeth in the waaayy back of your mouth, top & bottom. Some people lose them, some people don't. They usually don't fall out, though.

How many teeth does a grown up have have?

An adult that had they're wisdom teeth pulled or not come through then you have 32 teeth. But if you still have your wisdom teeth you have 36.

Do aboriginal people have more teeth?

yes they have two extra wisdom teeth

How many wisdom teeth?

We have four, two on the top and two on the bottom. i was a really weird case but i had 3 on the top and 4 on the bottom, so 7 in total i got mine out last week, all of them, and it has been a total nightmare. Normally there are four. But there are exeptions, some people have wisdom teeth missing. Other people have surnumerary teeth, meaning extra wisdom teeth.

Is wisdom teeth is the second molar teeth?

well it is the wisdom tooth but some people call it the 2nd molar tooth. And hope that answers your question.

Do you have to remove your growing wisdom tooth?

It is not always necessary to remove wisdom teeth. They are often removed because there may not be enough room in your jaw for the teeth to grow in properly, and they can put pressure on the other teeth. However, some people do have jaws that are large enough to include wisdom teeth. I personally have never had any trouble with my wisdom teeth.

What is the difference between molars and wisdom teeth?

Molars come first. Wisdom teeth are the last natural teeth to appear in the mouth. Wikipedia explains: "They are generally thought to be called wisdom teeth because they appear so late-much later than the other teeth, at an age where people are presumably 'wiser' than as a child, when the other teeth erupt."

What teeth are windsom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the last of the adult teeth to come through the gum, usually between the ages of 18-25. Some people never develop any wisdom teeth whilst others develop one wisdom tooth in each of their four dental arches.