

Why do people go on pilgrimage in all faiths?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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They go to pilgrimage to feel closer to God, to feel solidarity as a big gathering, to renew their faith, and to return back more spiritually pure.

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Q: Why do people go on pilgrimage in all faiths?
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Why do people go on pilgimages?

actually,people go on pilgrimage so as to purify their souls from all the sins they have other words people go on pilgrimage because it is ordained by God the Almighty and to seek for his guidance and support in all ones doings

Where do people go on a pilgrimage?


Can Westerners go on a Buddhist tour or pilgrimage?

Certainly! The Buddha was accepting of all people, so why wouldn't Westerners be right at home on a tour or pilgrimage?

Why do people go on pilgrimage?

A pilgrimage is a special journey made to some sacred place as a act of religious devotion. People see a pilgrimage as a cure for sick relatives or friends and you of all your sins. People go on pilgrimages to seek inspiration and to show that they are willing to devote themselves to god and to prove that they believe in him and that they love him. I also think that people go on pilgrimages to desire a new perspective, and a change of their mind. People seek ways to reverse the destruction of life on the planet.

Where did people go for a pilgrimage?

israel (jerusalem)

What do people get out of pilgrim's?

A pilgrimage is a journey to a sacred destination. This journey of discovery can be internal or external. People have participated in pilgrimages for many centuries. They are a spiritual discipline that many faiths value including Muslims, Christians and Jews, according to On Pilgrimage. Many people feel a calling to embark on a pilgrimage as a means to delve deeper in spiritual matters. There are numerous places that are considered holy to choose as a destination. Mecca, Lourdes and Jerusalem are popular choices. There are various reasons to go on a pilgrimage. One is so that modern spiritual seekers can enrich their spirituality.

Why do people go on a pilgrimage to Mount Everest?

People go on a pilgrimage to Mount Everest because they believe that being the tallest mountain in the world it is closer to their gods.

Does the Hajj pilgrimage have value for people who go?

yes, hajj pilgrimage is a very important part in Islam, people have to do it, only if they can afford it. it clears you from all the sins that you have comminted in your life. and makes you as pure as you were as a baby.

What is the name for people who go on a pilgrimage?

They are called "Pilgrims".

Do people go on pilgrimage in a group or on their own?

it depends

In which religion do people go on a haj pilgrimage?


What pilgrimages do people today go on?

The most common pilgrimage is taken by Muslims; the Hajj, a pilgrimage to Mecca.