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Because they are ignorant

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Q: Why do people hate Stalin?
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Why did Josph Stalin hate jews?

Because he was besties with Hitler

Why did people hate Lenin?

Because they have been brainwashed into thinking communism is bad and entails a dictatorship. They have been led to believe that Stalin=communism, when in fact Lenin wanted Stalin to be removed from his position (Lenins Testament) and wanted Trotsky to succeed him.

Did Hitler and Stalin hate each other?

Yes they hated each other a lot.

Did Stalin steal Trotsky's plans to get electricity?

Yes he did. Stalin said it was all his idea, and that Trotsky actually stole it from him, which was a lie. Stalin wanted all the merit and was paranoid about Trotsky coming back from Siberia (where he was exiled) to get all the power back. He thought getting the people to hate Trotsky was a good idea to keep the power for himself.

Why was Stalin liked by his people?

Joseph Stalin was a brutal dictator feared by his people.

Why was Joseph Stalin infamous for?

Joseph Stalin was an incredibly infamous man that people were terrified of. Joseph Stalin was a cruel leader who hurt many people.

How many people did Joseph Stalin kill with his terror famine?

Many people are saying that Joseph Stalin killed 20 million people. WRONG.... Stalin killed 42 million people.

Do people hate people?

Yes, unfortunately. People do hate people.

What is a victim of hate?

a victim of hate is a person who suffers from people who hate on people for no reason

Why did Stalin hate President Franklin D Roosevelt?

Because of FDR's disloyalty to Churchill at the Tehran Conference. FDR went behind Churchill's back and made secret agreements with Stalin on Eastern Europe. Stalin said he preferred "a downright enemy to a pretending friend".

How many people did Stalin exile?

413,512 People

Who was Gregory Stalin?

Gregory and Stalin are two separate people. Joseph Stalin was the ruthless leader of Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union. Paul Gregory is a writer who wrote a book about Stalin.