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People have superstitions because they allow fear and illogical thoughts to control their minds instead of thinking things through rationally.

One of the biggest superstitions in history is the Big Bang Theory. Evidence that scientists use to support this theory is incomplete and largely speculative. If the earth was formed as a result of a massive explosion billions of years ago, then how do you explain how the 'bang' material got there? Was it always there? Or who put it there? The answer: nobody. Some think The Big Bang is a lie. Human minds may never understand or comprehend the origins of life or the universe. Let's just say God created everything in existence. Of course, this second paragraph - which is more of an assumption - relies on an antiquated knowledge of matter and energy. Humans use the language they have at their disposal. In time, we'll have better terms to use to explain what is now called "big bang." Our limited perception of 'time' limits our ability to fully analyze that "point in time." The first paragraph actually is the best.

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That you should believe in superstitions?

You should not believe in Superstitions. Superstitions is the product of ignorance among people. Many superstitions are not true.

Do superstitions only happen to superstitious people?

No, when there are no superstitions with scientific proof how is it possible for superstitious people.

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People believe in superstitions because they are driven by fear.

Why did Europeans believe in superstitions?

Possibly because they were religious. People who are not religious do not normally believe in superstitions.

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Superstitions are beliefs supported only by rumor, not by factual observation. Rational people therefore do not believe such things.

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Why are superstitions harmful to society?

they confuse the people of what to do and what not to do!

How do superstitions and haunted houses relate?

They don't really. People who believe in superstitions are more prone to believe in the haunted houses thing than people who don't.

Where do old superstitions come from?

Way back in early societies, people used superstitions to explain things that they couldn't understand.

What characterized the new superstations of the 1980s?

Superstitions always try to explain things that people don't understand or know about. In the 1980's urban superstitions included flying saucers, and alligators living in sewers. Sometimes the new superstitions reflect the fears of people about the world they live in. Misinformation also contributes to superstitions.

What superstitions do people believ in to day?

poo poo

Would people still believe in superstitions?

Yes, a lot of people still believe in superstitions, despite clear and contradictory evidence (or rational explanations for the origin of a superstition).