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Q: Why do people kill Philippine Eagle's?
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Related questions

Are there Philippine eagles in the US?

No they are in the Philippines

Why do people kill eagles?

For their feathers most likely.

Do Philippine eagles eat fish?


How are they helping Philippine eagles?

by starting an organization

What do Philippine eagles likes to do?

eat monkeys

What is the normal body temperature of Philippine eagles?


How many Philippine eagles are left?


What do Golden eagles kill?

Golden eagles can kill the Catalina Island Fox.

Do eagles kill for food?

Yes, eagles like to meat. They have to kill the animals to get the meat. This is why eagles have sharp beaks and talons.

Do eagles kill fish for fun?

Eagles kill fish to eat. If they did not eat, they would die. Not fun.

Why do people kill harpy eagles their so beautiful?

People kill many animals illegally for different reasons. Sometimes people kill animals for their medicinal value or their fur or skin. Other people kill animals so they can make money off of them.

Can pythons be eaten by eagles?

Philippine eagles have killed and ate burmese pythons and small reticulated pythons. Harpy eagles prey on tree pythons. Martial eagles hunt for small african rock pythons.