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Q: Why do people kill the krill?
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Why do fisherman come and kill krill in antarctica?

because they ike krill

What rhymes with krill?

Thrill! mill bill kill shrill frill

Why do fisher man kill krill?

because many krill have the habit of sneaking into fisherman's houses at night and rearranging their furniture so this is the ultimate revenge

Is krill a prey?

yes krill is eaten by pretty much any fish in the ocean were krill can be found. When most people think of krill they think of a whale, being that the krill is the whales main source of food.

When was krill oil made?

People have been extracting oil from krill since about 2005

What rhymes with you will?

You kill, pill, fill, windmill, Jill, krill, dill, chill.

What are the population threats to Antarctic krill?

AnswerThe hole in the ozone layer allows radiation from the sun to get through the atmosphere. This can kill phytoplankton, the food krill feed on. this means krill are running out of food. Also about 400,000 tonnes of krill are caught by fishing boats every year. Since 1970 the krill population is down 80%

The occupation's of Thomas Jefferson when he signed the declaration of independence was what?

The occupation was to PLAN TO KILL KRILL

What type of wales eat Krill?

I think you really meant to ask "what type of Welsh people eat krill", didn't you? The answer is "only really silly Welsh people eat krill", because krill is difficult to catch, and why bother anyway when you can just phone dominos?

What do Antarctica krill eat?

Antarctic krill -- Euphausia superba -- feed on minute phytoplankton. This uses the production energy that the phytoplankton derived from the sun in order to sustain the krill life cycle in the open ocean.These details from the kill Wikipedia page.

Zooplankton is eaten by?

fish and krill fish and krill fish and krill fish and krill fish and krill

What is a blue whales prey?

Its favorite food is "Krill". An Adult blue whale can kill upto 40 million krill per day. They can eat nearly 3500 kilograms of krill in a single day. They need nearly 1.5 million kilocalories of energy per day and so, they nearly eat nonstop. Small fish, crustaceans and squids too get caught when they trap krill in their mouth.